

check_generic plugin for Nagios core

check_generic to call custom command on Nagios core.

Startup key combinations for Intel-based Macs

Keystroke Description Press C during startup Start up from a bootable CD or DVD, such as the Mac OS X Install disc that came with the computer. Press D during startup Start up in Apple Hardware Test (AHT). Press Option-Command-P-R until you hear startup sound a second time. Reset NVRAM Press Option during startup […]

Video Delivery: HTTP Pseudo-Streaming


Both MP4 and FLV videos can be played back with a mechanism called HTTP Pseudostreaming. This mechanism allows your viewers to seek to not-yet downloaded parts of a video. YouTube is an example site that offers this functionality. HTTP pseudostreaming is enabled by setting the option provider=http in your player.

HTTP pseudostreaming combines the […]

IEEE Network interface controller MAC address range

configure vmware vcenter 5 server

Minimum requirements for the VMware vCenter Server 5.x Appliance

Have some problem to start the DB2 embedded database in the appliance. May be I have allocated too little RAM to it?? After some investigation, the DB2 embedded database can be started using the below procedures in a 2GB footprint :

su – db2inst1 […]

Some drupal links

Create custom region in drupal :

L2TP over IPsec client on Linux and Ubuntu

Finally, a tool which can provide the required UI and generate the suitable configuration for xl2tp, ppp and openswan to provide the L2TP over IPsec on Linux with only a few clicks. I have tested it, it works without problem with my dept ASA applicance and CUHK’s VPN. The only minor problem is that you […]

Thunderbird 6 folder and message list large line spacing under Windows 7 with large dpi

Use the below code in userChrome.css to revert to Thunderbird 5 style.

listitem, treechildren::-moz-tree-row { min-height: 20px !important; }

Add a domain user or group to the local administrators group of a client vi GPO

Wildcard search in ADUC

Format a custom ldap query as below :