搭64K係白牛石下車, 就會見到梧桐寨個路牌, 途中經過萬德苑, 有很多桃花樹開滿了花, 真的十分美麗, 想不到香港有如此美景.
到了瀑布, 水量不是很多, 還是夏天來比較適合, 不過就會見不到桃花了.
[hgallery3 id=”5814″ height=”320″ width=”231″]
[hgallery3 id=”5843″ height=”231″ width=”320″]
http://www.focus.com/fyi/information-technology/state-internet/ http://www.iphoneincanada.ca/how-to/how-to-fix-ibooks-error-after-4-2-1-jailbreak-ibooks-fix-via-cydia/ I have entered this error on one of Linux box. Initially, I though this was caused by the harddisk problem but finally, it turned out to be a memory problem. This application allows you to copy large HD movie files into your Archos. The file will be transferred in parts no larger than 4GB in order to be compatible with the storage of the Archos. The HD quality is preserved (no re-encoding!) and the playback is handled seamlessly on the Archos. ftp://support.archos.com/Generation_8/windows/ArchosHDVideoTransfer.exe |