

Install & boot Win7 in VHD – a short note

1. Create VHD using disk manager, mounted as X:\

1. Install CloneDrive to mount win aik iso , install it

2. run windows aik cmd as administrator

3. imagex /apply d:\sources\install.wim 1 x:\ (D: drive is the DVD ROM with Win7 DVD)

4. imagex /info d:\sources\install.wim  (to verify the install.wim)

ImageX Tool for Windows
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp. All rights reserved.
Version: 6.1.7600.16385

WIM Information:
Path:        d:\sources\install.wim
GUID:        {7bf33c3a-c5ea-442f-bc19-e23bb486a301}
Image Count: 1
Compression: LZX
Part Number: 1/1
Attributes:  0xc
Integrity info
Relative path junction

Available Image Choices:

5. Use bcdedit to add the win7 vhd into the boot entry :

C:\>bcdedit /copy {current} /d “Windows 7 VHD”
The entry was successfully copied to {ce2dd7bd-f356-11de-82a2-9f0f331b23ba}.

C:\>bcdedit /set {ce2dd7bd-f356-11de-82a2-9f0f331b23ba} device vhd=[C:]\VHD\win7
The operation completed successfully.

C:\>bcdedit /set {ce2dd7bd-f356-11de-82a2-9f0f331b23ba} osdevice vhd=[C:]\VHD\wi
The operation completed successfully.

C:\>bcdedit /set {ce2dd7bd-f356-11de-82a2-9f0f331b23ba} detecthal on
The operation completed successfully.

run the following command to test if your boot entry is successfully created using C:\>bcdedit /v

If you want to delete any existing VHD entry from the Boot Menu you can always use the command C:\>bcdedit /delete <guid> /cleanup

Bought a New Computer to replace the old P4 3.0Ghz home computer

Phyllis finally bought a new computer to replace the old P4 3.0Ghz home computer. Due to its slow speed, we haven’t powered on it quite a long time la.

The New computer configuration :

1. AMD Phenom II x4 925 2.8Ghz (HK $1080)

2. GigaByte MA770-US3 AMD 770/SB701 MB (HK $599)

3. 2x2GB DDR3 1333Mhz Kingston DIMM (HK$720)

4. Seagate 500GB SATA disk (HK $420)

5. Gigabyte 550 W PSU (HK $390)

6. Magic Pro internal card reader (HK $95)

7. LG DVD-RW ($165)

8. 2-THE-MAX case (HK $175)

9 Installation (HK $150)

around HK$3764

The machine should be installed with Win7 64 bits Ultimate as a base and mutiboot with another win7 VHD for playing games.

我部水貨Samsung Omnia II I8000h上咗windows mobile 6.5

香港行版個 upgrade program NPS好小氣, 唔俾我部水貨upgrade. 台版個upgrade program就乜都唔check(, 所以就upgrade 咗台版個 wm 6.5 ROM I8000HZHIL1

上咗wm 6.5, 覺得個touch screen好似比以前sensitive咗, 個touchwiz轉頁冇以前咁差, call個轉keyboard option比以前快D. 但係samsung以前個screen lock冇咗, 變咗wm 6.5個醜樣廢柴screen lock, 冇得customize. OK, 裝咗個S2U2去replace wm 6.5個screen lock, 但係佢又同個picture contact pro撞. 我又唔想放棄我用開嘅picture contact pro, 足足攪咗兩日, disable咗picture contact pro個caller id 功能(因為s2u2又有呢個功能)同將D 外加嘅鈴聲save番落main memory到(我之前save係my storage), 咁就好似ok.

其實我都係用番samsung個ui, wm6.1 同 wm6.5真係唔覺有冇大分別. 其實我用smart phone嘅習慣已經同一般人有D唔同, 因為我唔會用部機上網同check email, 部機上網快唔快我根本唔再乎(我平時番工已經上足八個鐘頭網同睇足八個鍾頭電郵, 已經好夠喇), 我都係當部機好似以前部PDA咁用, 儲contacts, 記事同睇報紙(offline ver), 有時聽下歌. 但係有得upgrade, 我就一定會upgrade嘅


2009 CUHK alumni day

Linux kernel 2.6/CentOS 4 & 5 ‘s clock source under a virtualized environment

Under Linux kernel 2.6, the default system timer is set to 1000Hz which will consumes lot of cpu cycle under a virtualized environment even it is in idle state. To run it under a virtualized environment, suitable kernel parameters should be passed to change the clock source and time divider :

for RHEL-4 32 bits: “clock=pmtmr divider=10”
for RHEL-5 32 bits: “divider=10 clocksource=acpi_pm”
for RHEL-4 64 bits: “notsc divider=10”
for RHEL-5 64 bits: “notsc divider=10”

For more information , see this Vmware KB :

CentOS 5.4 & VMware server 2 are incompabile

I have tried to install the latest CentOS 5.4 on a old Dell Precision 450 as a host for VMware server 2.0.x. However after the installation, I have found that the VMware server 2.0.x is very unstable, the already horrible web management interface crashed indefinitely, making the console interface nearly useless. I have another server running CentOS 5.2 and VMware server 2.0.x without any problems. I suspected this is the problem of OS and reinstalled the whole with CentOS 5.1. Finally it seems the problems have gone. A little web search find that CentOS 5.4 have issues with  VMware server from a bug report of CentOS :

VMWare host on CentOS-5.4. There is an issue with the new version of glibc (2.5-42) and vmware-hostd. If you are using CentOS-5.4 as a VMWare host machine, you will need to read and take actions per this bug report (#3884).

Really need to have  closed eye on the released notes for any new release, otherwise you will spend lot of times debugging…..

Mozilla Firefox and Thunderbird with Custom dpi > 120 in windows

I use a custom dpi  > 120 (144) on my 24″ 1920×1200 LCD Monitor under Vista/Win 7. I found Mozilla Firefox and Thunderbird are not quite compatible with dpi > 120. The controls of Firefox and Thunderbird are extraordinary large under it and occupies a lot of screen estates. At last I found a way to make them behave normally thanks to  their highly customiziatble features.

Under Firefox, type about:config, right click->new->integer, name : layout.css.dpi, value : 120

Under Thunderbird, click tools->Options->Advanced tab->config editor, search layout.css.dpi, and use value : 120

After setting the layout.css.dpi, the fonts size used in showing the email’s folder, subjects ,etc are relatively small and can’t set from the options in Thunderbird, again this can be fixed by creating  userChrome.css under the profile path C:\Users\<Windows login/user name>\AppData\Roaming\ThunderBird\Profiles\*default\chrome, append :

treechildren {font-size: 12pt; font-family: Tahoma;}

or (change overall font size(

font-family: sans-serif !important;
font-size: 10pt !important;

大埔 – 流浪貓

係大埔見到隻流浪貓, 相當精靈. 其實見到流浪貓, 都唔會同佢地太親近. 因為”怕陌生人”都係佢地其中一種生存要素. 呢個世界有好多對小動物殘忍嘅人, 都係遠離我地人類好D



第一次見, 但係我覺得效果麻麻, 因為太公開嘛, 好多唔關事嘅人係到望, 冇乜私隱, 係酒店草地攪好D喎.


Windows 7 Certification in Hong Kong Microsoft TechDay 2009

Have attended the Windows 7 Certification in Microsoft Techday and shortlisted as one of the 100 attendance using the least time to complete the exam (I used around 22 min to answer 60 MCs) and got the certification. The reward is a Windows 7 Ultimate NFR. I expect this should come with a boxset but it comes with only a non-packaged DVDs, a poorly packaged reward.
