

Bought a New Computer to replace the old P4 3.0Ghz home computer

Phyllis finally bought a new computer to replace the old P4 3.0Ghz home computer. Due to its slow speed, we haven’t powered on it quite a long time la.

The New computer configuration :

1. AMD Phenom II x4 925 2.8Ghz (HK $1080)

2. GigaByte MA770-US3 AMD 770/SB701 MB (HK $599)

3. 2x2GB DDR3 1333Mhz […]

Linux kernel 2.6/CentOS 4 & 5 ‘s clock source under a virtualized environment

Under Linux kernel 2.6, the default system timer is set to 1000Hz which will consumes lot of cpu cycle under a virtualized environment even it is in idle state. To run it under a virtualized environment, suitable kernel parameters should be passed to change the clock source and time divider :

for RHEL-4 32 bits: […]

CentOS 5.4 & VMware server 2 are incompabile

I have tried to install the latest CentOS 5.4 on a old Dell Precision 450 as a host for VMware server 2.0.x. However after the installation, I have found that the VMware server 2.0.x is very unstable, the already horrible web management interface crashed indefinitely, making the console interface nearly useless. I have another server […]

Mozilla Firefox and Thunderbird with Custom dpi > 120 in windows

I use a custom dpi > 120 (144) on my 24″ 1920×1200 LCD Monitor under Vista/Win 7. I found Mozilla Firefox and Thunderbird are not quite compatible with dpi > 120. The controls of Firefox and Thunderbird are extraordinary large under it and occupies a lot of screen estates. At last I found a way […]

Windows 7 short cut keys

Windows + ↑ (Up Arrow) – Maximize window

Windows + ← (Left Arrow) – Snap window to left side covering half of desktop space. Continue pressing the keyboard shortcut will rotate the window between snap to left, snap to right and restore to normal position.

Windows + → (Right Arrow) – Snap window to right […]

Microsoft tech days 2009

Rather emphasizes on HyperV R2 and VDI. It seems that Vmware vshpere is going to have keen competition from Microsoft.

[Show as slideshow]

Sun Fire V210 PSU Fan failed

已經冇咗保養, 要自己折出來整.

XP Style DPI Scaling

For whatever PCs I owned, the 1st customization I will do is to change the DPI scaling (except Mac which don’t have this option, I am still finding apps which can do this). For 1920×1200, I use 144 DPI and 139 DPI for 1600×1200. Of this, there’s a XP Style DPI Scaling checkbox which I […]

Fences 分類擺放桌面圖示

finding large files in Vista/Windows 7

In the search box type, eg: size: > 50 MB

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