

Thunderbird 6 folder and message list large line spacing under Windows 7 with large dpi

Use the below code in userChrome.css to revert to Thunderbird 5 style.

listitem, treechildren::-moz-tree-row {
min-height: 20px !important;

Add a domain user or group to the local administrators group of a client vi GPO

Wildcard search in ADUC

Format a custom ldap query as below :

Install MPlayer Multimedia codecs and Hardware HD decode under Ubuntu

Video Playback with hardware acceleration with libvdpau1 and nvidia binary video driver

ASUS EeePC 1215b

Bought a New netbook Asus EeePC 1215b (4GB RAM) $3400 during the Sham Shui Po Computer festival. The netbook is finally usable after several years. The machine is speedy and can play with full 1080p video without problem. Although the market is heat up with tablet but these powerful and cheap netbook still have their niche.

Eee PC 1215B 規格簡覽
‧機身尺寸:296 x 203 x 38 mm
‧含電池重量 1.45 kg
‧12.1 吋、1366 x 768 解析度螢幕
‧Windows 7 Home Premium 作業系統
‧AMD E350 雙核處理器 (1.6 GHz)
‧AMD A50M 晶片組
‧ATI Radeon HD6310 整合顯示晶片
‧2 GB DDR3 記憶體 (最大 4 GB)
‧500 GB 硬碟空間 + ASUS WebStorage 500GB
‧802.11 b /g / n 無線網路、藍牙
‧內建 USB 3.0 x 1
‧內建 USB 2.0 x 2 、HDMI、RJ-45、VGA、SD 讀卡機
‧6 Cells 鋰電池

Run Windows PowerShell script

1. Name the script as .ps1

2. Under Powershell, remember to set Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned or Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted

3. To run the powershell script outside powershell :

powershell.exe -noexit c:\scripts\test.ps1
powershell.exe -noexit get-childitem c:\scripts

Call from vbscript
Set objShell = CreateObject(“Wscript.Shell”)
objShell.Run(“powershell.exe -noexit c:\scripts\test.ps1”)

print pdf in command line under Windows

Assume you have installed Adobe Reader

Under Powershell :

Dir D:\test\S10010025.pdf | Foreach-Object { Start-Process -FilePath $_.FullName –Verb Print }

Or for batch printing

Dir D:\test\*.pdf | Foreach-Object { Start-Process -FilePath $_.FullName –Verb Print }



AcroRd32.exe /s /o /h /p “FULL_PATH_TO_PDF” for printing to default printer

Locate obsolete computer records in AD

Exchange Server 2010 Technet

Setting exchange message size limit

Change Active Directory Strong Password Policies

open gpmc.msc, change the account password policy of the default domain policy and default domain controller policy

open rsop.msc, to change the result set of policy