

Deployed a QNAP ts-659 Pro II with 8TB and a Century external RAID box for backup

The max capacity of the QNAP is 8TB and is backup by a single 3TB disk placed in a Century external RAID box. The Century external RAID box can house a max of five 3TB disk with a max. of 12TB in a RAID5 configuration. Enough to backup the whole QNAP when the data is […]

ajaxplorer, a web based file manager for linux


The ajaxplorer support LDAP authentication, see my sample configuration here which allow login from local or Openldap authentications.

Compile python-igraph with custom built python on CenOS 5/6

This was proved to be a very difficult task since a lot of tools were required to be re-compiled for the custom built python. I documented the sequence of tools required to be re-built below : All the newly compiled binaries/headers/libraries will be set to put in /opt/local

1. Compile python 2.7.2 with shared library […]

Installing VMware tools on Centos 6 via yum

create the file /etc/yum.repos.d/vmware.repoand we place this text in it:

[vmware-tools] name=VMware Tools for Red Hat Enterprise Linux $releasever – $basearch baseurl=$basearch enabled=1 gpgcheck=1 gpgkey=

If we installed previously VMware tools via the local vSphere, we will need to remove them using /usr/bin/vmware/

We can now install VMware tools via yum:

yum install vmware-tools-esx-nox

In […]

Difference between Desktop edition and RAID (Enterprise) edition drives

See the explanation here :

Thecus 5200 Pro

Highlight of collapsed thread with unread message in Thunderbird

The default highlighting mechanism for collapsed threads that contain an unread message is to underline it. However, I found that this visual clue is not enough

The below code in userChrome.css can make the collapsed threads with unread message both highlighted and in read color

/* change unread thread color */ treechildren::-moz-tree-cell-text(container, closed, hasUnread, […]

ios 5 iphone cydia apps

Some cydia apps I’m using :

wifi booster ios 5 from GroupRinger firebreak (enable ios 5 camera panoramas) WeeKillBackground

Specialized distributions to turn your PC into a router

1. RouterOS


3. PfSense

4. BrazilFW

Find patches and updates for VMware ESXi