

Unofficial VMware ESX Server Whitebox HCL

contain information you need to install ESXi on ordinary PC.


Tip 1:

Use explorer2FS to read EXT3 fs if the settop box use EXT3 file system

Tip 2:

Use TsRemux to convert .trp format to .ts and use H264TS Cutter to cut out any advertisement. [PS: Later I found that H264TS Cutter can also convert .trp to .ts format and if you will use the […]

Integration of WordPress & Gallery2

Just find a plugin called WPG2 which can embeds Gallery2 within WordPress to share photos, videos and any other Gallery2 content seamlessly into the WordPress Sidebar and Blog entries.

Put together the widget wpg2-widgets, you can display your gallery2 photos in the sidebar.


Batch resize images

use faststone image viewer

Set slideshow delay at gallery 2.3

Change the default from 10s to 4s

edit modules/slideshow/templates/Slideshow.tpl, change delay 10 to delay 4 edit modules/slideshow/, change delay 10 to delay 4

新加ABOUT Page

今日整咗個ABOUT Page

Migrate gallery2 photo album

今天打算將我個gallery2 photo album由我部linux搬落個central web server到行, 順便將個gallery2 version 由原本2.2.5 upgrade 到 2.3. 其實做落都幾複雜, 又係試咗好幾次同用咗成個下晏先至整到.

首先就係 Linux到 export 個 gallery2 database 出嚟先 : mysqldump -p gallery2 > gallery2.sql. 然後就import 番佢入去個central mysql server到 tar 個g2data directory, 然後scp落去個central data server 我個homedir到. 我個g2data directory成6GB幾, 所以剩係呢到都成個鐘. untar個clean gallery2.3, 佢會有個installation procedure, 跟住會叫你行個upgrade procedure 最後upgrade完, 個gallery2就瓜咗. 我重頭做咗兩次先整到, 首先我用咗個Xtreme theme. 但係呢個theme唔係跟gallery2就有. 所以係migrate前要改番用classic theme先得. 個新gallery2行到後, […]

WordPress customization : Add Featured Posts Pages

今天想在wordpress做嘅野就係整個featured Posts Page.

因為有時會有D posts想成日都俾人睇到, 唔想佢地因為時日而慢慢變成archive跟住沉底. 我嘅方法就係整個static嘅Page, 然後擺我D featured Posts嘅extract落去, 研究咗成個下晏, 最後都做到, 不過都幾複雜.

首先我試咗呢個Inline Posts Plugin for WordPress, 佢都幾似樣下, 已經做到大部份, 但係冇咗個more tag, 如果個Featured Posts Pages有幾個posts, D人就剩係會見到第一個, 徐非佢慢慢scroll咁睇.

跟住就搵到呢個link: WordPress Tip: How to Display a Specific Post Anywhere You Want, 但係裝咗get a post 同 Content Extract兩個plugins 都係未work.

最後裝埋Exec-PHP plugin for WordPress […]

MacOSX & iLife09

七月頭將我部Mac從新裝過之後, 再加埋裝咗個新iLife09 之後就想用部Mac做D有用嘅野,唔係剩係用嚟試野.

最後就用咗iPhoto+iWeb整咗個website :

雖然MacOSX係有佢嘅優點, 仍都越來越多人用, 但我真係覺得都幾難用嚟做我嘅primary working machine. 最重要嘅係佢冇得好似windows咁有得set custom DPI. Apple班engineer都唔知係咪同D眼力唔好嘅人有仇. 大佬呀, 我個mon成1920×1200, 你冇得俾我set DPI, 得default 96 DPI, D字成粒豆鼓咁, 叫人點睇啫, 咁分明趕客嘅啫, 用佢個Magnifier又郁到我頭都暈埋, 我係Vista係用144 DPI架, 都唔知幾舒服.

仲有我係Vista用開微軟office 2007個新速成, 一用Mac個速成就唔掂 (Windows嘅倉頡係第三代, Mac係用第五代, 取碼都幾唔同, 呢D野用開就唔會轉架喇). 跟住上網裝咗奇摩輸入法, 可以用番第三代, 但係都冇得用番微軟新速成,都幾唔慣.

不過佢個iphoto 09同iweb 09確實幾好用, 兩者integate得幾好, 係Windows幾難搵到D兩者同個OS都integate得咁順暢嘅軟件, 可以用Drag & Drop嚟整個都幾decent嘅webpage. 係Vista我主要係用Picasa同Nvu, 兩者冇得比啦. […]

電腦懷舊之 : Sharp PC 1350

第一篇blog文就講講我的第一部電腦 Sharp PC 1350. 它其實只是一部programmable calculator, 但它就引領了我走進了電腦的大門, 在中學讀電腦科都主要是因為佢,大家可以先看看它的英姿 :

樣子是不是很high-tech呢. 它發表於1984年, 於1986年我用了$750把他買回家, 已是當時我擁有的最昴貴的束西了. 買它最主要因為它易於收藏, 你知如果買舊野番去要佔屋企地方, 呀媽實同你做忌, 因為剩係個人都已經夠左訂.
