

Added a category post widget for wordpress

can show the post thumbnails (featured images) of recent posts in the category

Installation of Mobile Theme : WPtouch for wordpress

Added a Picasa widget for wordpress

Just wanna to increase my blog’s load time….:-P

Insert a table in wordpress

The fastest way is to use HTML directly or use tinyMCE Advanced plugin


Heading1 Heading2 Heading3 Heading4 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8

Heliv Gallery3 Module for WordPress testing 2

[hgallery3 id=”2843″ height=”200″ width=”500″]

[hgallery3 id=”2880″]

Heliv Gallery3 Module for WordPress testing

But the direct link doesn’t work as I have change the theme of gallery3 from default to a custom 3nids Still looking for solution. BTW, I have found that if embedded the gallery3 album, it eats quite a lot of CPU and take sometimes to load if the album contains lot of pictures. It […]

Upgraded to WordPress 3.0.1

Upgraded my blog’s wordpress to v3.0.1

Migrated the wordpress mysql database to a 6 core PE Server. It seems that my blog is a bit more responsive now. Don’t have any concrete measurement. One major problem was I got garbage characters when I exported and imported the wordpress database from mysql 5.1.x on Solaris platform […]

Installed tinyMCE-advanced plugin in wordpress

Making the wordpress editors more intuitive!

Enable “blog this photo” from flickr for self-hosted wordpress blog

Go to your WordPress Settings, to the “Writing” settings page, about half way down there’s a check box next to “XML-RPC: Enable the WordPress, Movable Type, MetaWeblog and Blogger XML-RPC publishing protocols.”

Make sure that box is CHECKED.

wordpress plugin : wp-hightlight

Installed the plugin wp-highlight to highlight search terms