Tip 1:
Use explorer2FS to read EXT3 fs if the settop box use EXT3 file system
Tip 2:
Use TsRemux to convert .trp format to .ts and use H264TS Cutter to cut out any advertisement.
[PS: Later I found that H264TS Cutter can also convert .trp to .ts format and if you will use the H264TS Cutter to cut the advertisement , better use back this tool to convert the .trp file because I got error when use the TS cutter to cut the .ts file generated by TsRemux]
Tip 3:
Use ProjectX to extract subtitles from .trp format into .idx subtitle file
- PreSetting -> Subtitle -> simulate DVB Subpictures IRD color model: 揀 NRK 及 tick additional export as VobSub (idx+sub) 。
想只出 idx+sub 可以在 PreSetting -> Output -> stream types to process 只 tick Subpicture。 - 按 File -> Add -> 選取 trp 檔 -> 再按 quickstart,可得出 idx+sub 檔,數量視乎有幾多組字幕而定,以往無記有繁簡字幕,但現在似乎只有一組。
Tip 4:
使用 vobsub 修正字幕開始時間。
- 把 idx+sub 複製一個, 再開 vobsub 入面的 subresync。拉新複製的 idx入去,在圓點上按一下右鍵兩次出現紅色下箭嘴,同時打開任何可以播放 trp/ts 的播放程式,記下第一句說話的開始時間,返回 subresync
雙按紅色下箭嘴右邊的數字,打入之前記下來的時間就可以啦 (小時:分鐘:秒.毫秒) - 另儲 (Save As…) 時只打入跟trp一樣的名便會自動覆蓋同trp一樣名字的 idx+sub
Tip 5:
Video format converter : SUPER can convert a variety of video format
[PS: I found that SUPER cannot convert the .ts file to other format like mkv. To do this, I use AutoMKV. Moreover, i found this software can utilize the 8 threads of my Corei7 920 ]
Can the idx+sub from ProjectX be used to author DVD? I use DVD Workshop.
My Project X is I have two questions:
1. It does not have “additional export as VobSub (idx+sub) ” option. How can I output SUB+idx?
2. Even if I set the “subtitle export formats” to SUB and text, it only output SUP. Any idea?
If i move the TS file into the remote harddisk and connect the remote harddisk to TV, can it be played?