

VMware Server 2.0.1 does not see 8 cores on Intel Core i7, only 4

What a pity. I have bought a no. of Dell Servers (PE T610) and workstation using Xeon 55xx. Hope this support will add the to the coming build asap. But will Vmware Server 1.0.x will have update?? I run most of the vms on VMware server 1.0.x wor.;jsessionid=315B9C298F77AFEE72965D4845D7AFD4

Restrict the wordpress login page by IP

Today I just wonder could I restrict the wordpress login page by IP since my wordpress system have only one user and there’s probably no need to allow the world to login my wordpress. Moreover, I also don’t want the hackers to have a chance to attack my admin a/c

After a simple search, the […]

Sync Calendar & Contact data between My Palm, Outook, Windows Mobile & Google

這幾天研究怎樣將我部Palm Treo 650 D calendar & contacts 同步落 outlook 2007, Acer N300 (Windows Mobile) & Google Calendar & Contacts.

1. Google Apps Sync for Outlook可以 Sync between Outlook 2007 同 Google Calendar & Contact. 個flow就可以係甘 : Treo< -> outlook 2007<–>google & WM. 但係Google Apps Sync for Outlook要Google Premium a/c 先用得, 吹脹。

2. 跟住就用google sync for […]

Sample .htaccess for mod_authnz_ldap/mod_auth_ldap for apache

AuthName “Pls login with your username and password” AuthType Basic AuthBasicProvider ldap AuthLDAPURL “ldap://,dc=edu,dc=hk?uid” AuthzLDAPAuthoritative off Allow from mynetwork/24 Deny from all Satisfy Any Require valid-user

This .htaccess will ask the user to enter the usernanme and password when connecting from outside mynetwork/24

Still working on how to do a posix group based authentication, however […]

Writing LDAP search filter

LDAP search filter is useful in Apache LDAP authentication and Ironport.

Under Ironport, I use the below filter to search for valid user with his aliase :


I use the below to search if an user/alias is in a specific posix group :


Under OpenLDAP, to search a user :

ldapsearch -x -b […]

Ironport : difference between message filters and content filters

Message Filters and Content Filters use the same scripting language and regular-expression matching. Content Filters support a subset of the rules and actions used by Message Filters. Content Filters include all the rules and actions needed to identify and act upon the content of a message, and are very easy to configure in the GUI. […]

Test on wordpress plugin post-to-facebook

都係試下D簡單嘅plugin, 個wordbook暫時disable佢先, 我唔係個個post都想上facebook架嘛

Test of wordpress wordbook plugin

another wordpress & facebook integation plugin. This plugin uses Facebook API to actively update the facebook wall status and provide good excerpt of the post. Better if it can have an option to select which new post will feed to facebook wall or not.

According to the author, I will have to log in to […]

Test of wodpress add-to-facebook plugin

Testing of integration of wordpress & facebook. It seems the working mechanism of this plugin is quite simple…. and it is mainly targeted to the reader, not post author.

convert UTF-8 簡體 to BIG5 繁體

open the UTF-8 簡體 TXT file in firefox and use Tong Wen Tang to change to 繁體 copy the 繁體 txt to wordpad and save the file as unicode txt file open the UTF-8 繁體 TXT file in IE and save as BIG 5 encoded TXT file