

Sync Calendar & Contact data between My Palm, Outook, Windows Mobile & Google

這幾天研究怎樣將我部Palm Treo 650 D calendar & contacts 同步落 outlook 2007, Acer N300 (Windows Mobile) & Google Calendar & Contacts.

1. Google Apps Sync for Outlook可以 Sync between Outlook 2007 同 Google Calendar & Contact. 個flow就可以係甘 : Treo< -> outlook 2007<–>google & WM. 但係Google Apps Sync for Outlook要Google Premium a/c 先用得, 吹脹。

2. 跟住就用google sync for phone,  呢個service可以做到 Google<->WM. 個flow就變成咁: Treo <-> Outlook <-> WM <-> Google

3. 其實仲有個google calendar sync, 不過剩係可以sync到calendar, 冇咗contacts囉.

最後雖然做到可以sync囇Treo, outlook, WM 同 Google嘅 calendar & contacts. 但然又唔係真係咁實用, 因為google sync contact有好多限製, 起碼sync唔到WM contact嘅category, 所有WM 上嘅contacts sync到google會落囇My contact group. 我想有好多人嘅contact都會分門別類, 如果sync唔到category會好唔方便囉. 唉, google整咗個咁方便嘅service, 但係D功能又係半天吊, 正一雞肋.

Extract from one of the comments from internet :
“I think that the contacts in Gmail is beyond horrible. How do you expect people with detailed contact lists to ditch their blackberries and switch to android? Have you tried importing contacts from Outlook into gmail? Its a joke. Its not even about mapping for the CSV files. The contacts in gmail doesn’t even have the fields / categories available. Many users (especially business customers) have multiple addresses, multiple phone numbers. You are telling me you are a senior developer and leading a team that developed this system? Utter fail, I will be sending my G1 back before I open it.”

其實已經係差唔多時候要replace我部Treo 650, 佢雖然未壞, 但係就神下神下咁, 個display着咗幾秒就會自動熄, 加calendar entry落個datebook到成日都會reset, hostsync完個ringtone會轉番default, etc, 咁樣緊係想換電話啦. 如果換電話, 佢緊要有D新功能, 要有wifi, 用得嘅相機(>500million pixe, etc), > VGA嘅screen, etc. 起碼要support UTF-8. 而家部Treo剩係support到BIG-5, sync中文嘅contact同calendar都不知幾麻煩. Iphone我就一定唔會考慮, D outlook contact category落到iphone又係冇囇, 裝Apps又一定要經apps store, jailbreak又話冇保養, 又話犯法, 全部都係一派胡言, 最緊要係我唔需要data plan, 我用部電話主要係用嚟貯contact同calendar, 睇offline嘅報紙, 用wifi上下網就得, android同iphone一樣, 冇data plan就唔係好有用, 個contact list sync又冇得分category(見上). 所以WM phone其實最啱我心水, 選擇又夠多, 但係真係慢, 624Mhz嘅cpu行wm 6.1我都係覺得慢, 希望下一水嘅800Mhz CPU嘅機行wm 6.5會快D. [我部WM mobile PDA (Acer N300) 用緊SamsungS3C2400 400Mhz CPU, 行wm 6.1, 用Agenda One load我個contact list (145 entries only)要 6 秒, load calendar要 5 秒. 我部Palm Treo650 load以上兩樣都係少過1秒架, multimedia同Dfancy野係重要, 但係都冇理由整到D基本野甘差至得架]

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