

Ubuntu 10.10 booted with a blank screen with Nvidia NVS 295

After clean installation, the machine will be booted with a blank screen.

To solve this (holding shift key to force the grub menu to appear) :

1. Add “nomodeset” and remove “quiet splash” from the grub menu

2. apt-get install nvidia-current

Running Python on Android

See this for reference but the info is somewhat outdated.

#1. Install Android SDK. There’s some path problem for the 64 bits java with the SDK. I install 32 bits java instead. You can also install Eclipse and ADT if you have time.

#2. Create the Android Virtual Device using the installed SDK Manager


Windows 2008 R2 + Samba 3.0.33 + Mac Snow Leopard 10.6

I have used Samba server to share UNIX home directories to users for a no. of years. For simplicity, the Samba server is configured as pass through mode, ie, the encrypted password of the windows clients are passed to the windows domain controller for authentication without joining the domain. This is used to work until […]

Issues with Mac OS X 10.6 and SMB and AFP file sharing

Google search query

1. site:edu intitle:”c++” filetype:pptx

Password Safe with Vim and OpenSSL

Use vim with openssl to store your password encrypted in AES 256 bits, etc

A Very useful plugin for vim, I use it to store my server passwords and other secrets :

Make a bootable USB thumbdrive with recovery tools

HIren’s Boot CD :

How to Make :

1. Use USB disk storage Format to format the thumb drive : Format the drive as FAT format

2. Rn Grub4Dos Installer :

3. Select “Whole Disk (MBR)” in the Part List drop box

5. Download Hiren Boot CD.iso and mount it

6. copy […]

My 1st private Apple Device : iPhone 4

終於厭倦水果牌的我投降了, 上個星期出了部iphone 4. 不用水果牌, 全因個性不合, 討厭水果牌那些「總以為貼心」的設計, 而且多多限制, 不喜歡用家”Think Different”. 例如個MacOSX 唔俾人set高個Screen DPI. Apple都唔知係咪同D眼力唔好嘅人有仇. 大佬呀, 我個mon成1920×1200, 你冇得俾我set DPI, 要用default個96, D字成粒豆鼓咁, 叫人點睇啫, 咁分明趕客嘅啫. iPhone又冇卡插,iTune Sync 又好煩, 剩係俾sync一部機, 我有成九百幾部機, 點算, iTune又唔support High Screen DPI, 如果個Sreen DPI set 高過96, 個UI D 字就爛哂, 又冇得setup group ringtone, 如果要setup block list, white list, etc 就要JB, 大佬呀, 呢D係 smart phone嘅最基本功能, 佢竟然夠胆冇, 吹脹.

但係佢已經成為咗一個獨立嘅ecosystem, […]

Mediacoder for iPod with CUDA

Testing file : 26.04″ 480P RMVB file to 480P MP4 file

Platform : Core i7 920 overclocked to 3.33Ghz, Nvidia GTX 260

Elapsed Time Speed CPU Loading CUDA Enabled 121s 13.64X 20 – 40% CPU Only 201s 8.31X 97%

There’s another free CUDA enabled video converter : Hamster Free Video Converter, will make time to […]

Digital Photo Professional v3.9.2

Now got a new feature : unsharpen mask

A tutorial of sharpening (好詳細….sharpening都好多學問)

Unsharpen mask setting in Photoshop Amount : 200 radius : no. of megapixel/1000-1500 (0.67 – 1 for 10.1 MP) Threshold : 0

For fine details, a higher Amount and lower Threshold work best, while portraits and areas with smooth […]