




Port Forwarding in VirtualBox

It can be easily done under Vmware Workstation (On the NAT tab in Virtual Network Editor, click Edit… -> Port Forwarding). Under VirtualBox, it is a bit complicated, the command /usr/bin/VBoxManage is used to do this (Both Linux & MacOSX). Details can be found below :

web based photoshop tutorial

HDR using a single RAW exercise 2 at 維港

[hgallery3 id=”2876″]

Free photo recovery software

1. TestDisk & PhotoRec

2. DataRecovery

Sharpening Photos With PS High Pass Filter

  • Open Photograph in Photoshop
  • Duplicate Layer
  • Filter > Other > High Pass
  • Radius 0.5 to 2.5 pixels
  • Layer Style > Vivid Light
  • Opacity between 20% and 100%
  • Layers > Merge
  • File > Save-As

Camodia柬埔寨 photos retouched

After learning the techniques of HDR and PS retouching, it is time to get my past photos retouched.


A very fantastic HDR photo

Pelangi Ramadhan, originally uploaded by annamir™.

Really master piece

Enable “blog this photo” from flickr for self-hosted wordpress blog

Go to your WordPress Settings, to the “Writing” settings page, about half way down there’s a check box next to “XML-RPC: Enable the WordPress, Movable Type, MetaWeblog and Blogger XML-RPC publishing protocols.”

Make sure that box is CHECKED.

Exercise with PS filter


↑Spicify processing

↑Tone contrast processing