

西歐十天 – 列支敦士登

列支敦士登 Liechtenstein

西歐十天 – 瑞士

瑞士 – 鐵力士峰

瑞士 – 琉森 (1)

瑞士 – 琉森 (2)

西歐十天 – 法國 巴黎

2002年去過東歐, 八年後再到西歐, 算是到過了半個歐洲. 今次的行程感覺都幾辛苦, D團體餐又很難啃(硬雞, 十成熟牛扒, 無味無餸意大利粉), D物價又很貴, 幾十蚊港幣支汽水. 但天氣就是去過甘多次旅行中最好的.

法國 巴黎 (1)

法國 巴黎 (2)

法國 巴黎 (3)

Changing Office

I have been busy for moving stuff to my new office recently and also spent a lot of time to fix the new layout of it. It is also a good time to trash those very old stuff which I don’t need anymore. Now my office is more tidy than before!!


Thecus NAS 5200 RAID 5 configuration lost suddenly!!

I am happy using this NAS until……

Yesterday, the THECUS NAS5200 started to beep, I went on the web interface and found out that the RAID status was “damaged” and asked me to solve the disk problem. However, NO physical disks were reported failure. I tried to do a reboot, just to be sure that the problem won’t be solved by itself doing a reboot and when the system went back online, the Raid 5 configuration was gone……………………

I am contacting the vendor’s technical support for possible solutions. Luckily that I really don’t trust the NAS a lot. Most of the stuff I put in it was the backup of my data (I put my critical data on a pair of disk running RAID1 using ICH10R) except some very old stuff (5 to 6 years ago). Of course it is still a pity to lost them but the impact was already minimal to me.

Since the NAS is blackbox to me, there’s really nothing I can do if it has problem. Therefore, I always prefer full box storage solution instead of NAS if you need to run a RAID 5 configuration. In my opinion, it is still OK to run RAID 1 usinig NAS since at the worst case say the NAS hardware failure, RAID configuration lost, etc, I can still unplug the disk and read back the data somewhere. Usually the disk should be formatted with FAT32, NTFS, EXT3 or ZFS, etc, I should be to use different OS to handle it.

Simple .procmailrc format

In other words, your recipe is being used, but the pattern you give
does not match the incoming mail.  I think you are hoping that “^FROM”
is a special procmail expression, like “^TO”, “^FROM_DAEMON”, and
“^FROM_MAILER”;  unfortunately, this is not the case.  What you meant
is probably:

* ^From:.*jane

However, that would catch mail from “”, which is
probably not quite what you want either.  Perhaps

* ^From:.*\<jane@cs\.concordia\.ca\>

would fit the bill.

What it means is:

*                       Start pattern.

^                       Match at beginning of a line; i.e. the next
word or symbol must occur at the start of
the line.

From:                   Match the word “from” (upper or lowercase
or mixed), followed by a colon.  That’s the
“From:” header.

.*                      Match anything (zero or more “wildcard”
characters);  this will eat any “comments”,
such as the person’s full name, etc., and
possibly the space after the “From:”, though
the last non-alpha, non-digit character
before the start of the thing you want to
match will be eaten by…

\<                      Match a “word delimiter” character
(anything except a letter, digit, or
underscore) or a newline — this avoids
matching on, say, “jbjane@cs…”.

jane@cs\.concordia\.ca  Match your target address, where dots are
*not* wildcards but match real dots.  You
don’t *have* to escape the dots, but if you
don’t, you might accidentally match
“jane@csxconcordiaxca”, which is not what
you want.

\>                      Now match a word delimiter or a newline
again; this avoids matching the unlikely
“”, for example.

Installation of mailman on CentOS 5 with sendmail

See the references in


Making some stunning photos using the PS plugin : Fractalius


達寶四月collection again


大陸一天遊 : 順德逢簡水鄉黃媽媽私房菜

自從十年前去過台北嘅超值團, 都冇再去過呢D超值嘅購物團. 呢D團都預咗要去好多購物點. 雖然係平, 但係就好嘥時間, 絕對係唔啱我呢D人去(一定唔會買野嘅人). 但係我就未參加過XX徦期, 係好奇同價錢同要請一日徦嘅前提之下, 就參加咗(大佬呀, 團費$99+50小費, 唸咁多做乜??).

結果就當然同預計一樣, 係好嘥時間, 一日要坐成九個鐘頭旅遊巴(三個幾鍾頭由深圳去中山, 兩個幾鍾頭由中山去順德黃媽媽, 再搭三個幾鍾頭車由順德羅湖. 如果你鍾意坐過山車都ok嘅, 因為架旅遊巴會成日係條公路到左穿右插, 都幾過癮), 過五關斬六將去食一餐. 真係去一次就夠哂, 叫做試過吓啦. 不過佢中午嗰餐都幾好食, 好食過好多團體餐. 而黃媽媽嗰餐更在一般水準之上. 唉, $148都唔夠食一餐lunch buffet, 所以只可以話呢個團唔係俾我呢D人參加, 我就寧願佢收貴D變半日團而唔駛去咁多購物點, 不過到時又可能唔夠客呢!

早上八點鐘開始係羅湖坐車, 十一點幾到咗中山嘅製藥基地(??). 第一個節目就係向我地sell田七. 佢地口中嘅田七係無所不能, 能醫百病, 絕無副作用. 見我地一場嚟到, 連本來留俾領導人嘅貨都會攞埋出嚟. 其實當睇緊警訊都ok嘅.





↑雲南少數民族賣茶葉, 我係呢到用咗$20RMB買咗筒甘桔.



↑鉅記賣杏仁餅, 後面就係養雞嘅…..



↑蒙古村, 估唔到除咗雲南少數民族係到搵食, 蒙古都有人係中山坐鎮, 賣馬奶同牛初乳. 不過sell野嗰個就有D過火, 話我地個團買得野少, 唔夠quota, 係車到不停老屈D人買野(主要對象係D師奶, 對住我都就係sell咗一句就算, 你咁樣sell法, 我買先奇, 雖然真係有人會買).

好辛苦咁過五關斬六將, 下晏六點幾, 終於先嚟到個團嘅唯一景點: 黃媽媽私房菜:








↑第一道菜 : 天麻魚頭湯






















大概7:40pm走, 返到羅湖成十一點.

個團認真超值, 未去過一定要去. 去過就留番D機會俾其他人啦.