

Password Safe with Vim and OpenSSL

Use vim with openssl to store your password encrypted in  AES 256 bits, etc

A Very useful plugin for vim, I use it to store my server passwords and other secrets  :

Make a bootable USB thumbdrive with recovery tools

HIren’s Boot CD :

How to Make :

1. Use USB disk storage Format to format the thumb drive : Format the drive as FAT format

2. Rn Grub4Dos Installer :

3. Select “Whole Disk (MBR)” in the Part List drop box

5. Download Hiren Boot CD.iso and mount it

6. copy grldr & menu.lst in the HBCD folder to the thumb drive

7. copy the HBCD folder to the thumb drive

8. boot the thumb drive.



My 1st private Apple Device : iPhone 4

終於厭倦水果牌的我投降了, 上個星期出了部iphone 4. 不用水果牌, 全因個性不合, 討厭水果牌那些「總以為貼心」的設計, 而且多多限制, 不喜歡用家”Think Different”. 例如個MacOSX 唔俾人set高個Screen DPI. Apple都唔知係咪同D眼力唔好嘅人有仇. 大佬呀, 我個mon成1920×1200, 你冇得俾我set DPI, 要用default個96,  D字成粒豆鼓咁, 叫人點睇啫, 咁分明趕客嘅啫. iPhone又冇卡插,iTune Sync 又好煩, 剩係俾sync一部機, 我有成九百幾部機, 點算, iTune又唔support High Screen DPI, 如果個Sreen DPI set 高過96, 個UI D 字就爛哂, 又冇得setup group ringtone, 如果要setup block list, white list, etc 就要JB, 大佬呀, 呢D係 smart phone嘅最基本功能, 佢竟然夠胆冇, 吹脹.

但係佢已經成為咗一個獨立嘅ecosystem, 軟件日多,再不喜歡這平台,都要認真考慮加入, 如果唔係, 就會好out, 唔通攞住部WM機過世咩. WM又唔係特別好 (應該係好差先啱).

不過部機外觀和造工認真不錯,金屬感和重量感十足, 比我部Samsung omini II好很多. 速度及反應快了很多, 上網很快, 睇email好方便,  Appstore很好用, D free App嘅質素好高. 其實作為MID及娛樂用途就滿分, smart phone功能就唔合格囉. 而家我等緊將部機JB.

Mediacoder for iPod with CUDA

Testing file : 26.04″ 480P RMVB file to 480P MP4 file

Platform : Core i7 920 overclocked to 3.33Ghz, Nvidia GTX 260

Elapsed Time Speed CPU Loading
CUDA Enabled 121s 13.64X 20 – 40%
CPU Only 201s 8.31X 97%

There’s another free CUDA enabled video converter : Hamster Free Video Converter, will make time to have some tests later.




Digital Photo Professional v3.9.2

Now got a new feature : unsharpen mask

A tutorial of sharpening (好詳細….sharpening都好多學問)

Unsharpen mask setting in Photoshop
Amount : 200
radius : no. of megapixel/1000-1500 (0.67 – 1 for 10.1 MP)
Threshold : 0

For fine details, a higher Amount and lower Threshold work best, while portraits and areas with smooth tones work better with a lower Amount and a higher Threshold.

Each image requires a different degree of sharpening, but here are some guiding points: With portraits, start off with an Amount of 100, a Radius of 1.0 and a Threshold of 6. For buildings or landscapes, try an Amount of 150, a Radius of 1.5 and a Threshold of 3. If there’s a lot of noise in an image, try going up to a Threshold of 10 or 12.

Unsharpen mask setting in DPP
The sharpness slider is non-selective
The sharpness slider loses its usefulness on images over iso 400. Here it just enhances the noise effect
The default USM settings i find the most useful for general snaps etc are Strength 5, Fineness 5 and Threshold 3-5
The threshold varies as the iso increases, 3 for iso 100-400, 4 for iso 400 and 5 for 800 and above (generally)

Amount is usually listed as a percentage, and controls the magnitude of each overshoot. This can also be thought of as how much contrast is added at the edges.

Radius controls the amount to blur the original for creating the mask, shown by “blurred copy” in the TEXT illustration above. This affects the size of the edges you wish to enhance, so a smaller radius enhances smaller-scale detail.

Threshold sets the minimum brightness change that will be sharpened. This is equivalent to clipping off the darkest non-black pixel levels in the unsharp mask. The threshold setting can be used to sharpen pronounced edges, while leaving subtle edges untouched. This is especially useful to avoid amplifying noise, or to sharpen an eye lash without also roughening skin texture.


Adobe Flex, PHP & Zend

Xero Free Filter plugins for Photoshop