

Photoshop selection tools & refine Edge

CS5 Refine edge Tutorial :

Pre-sharping photos in Adobe camera raw

Portrait : Amount : 35, radius : 1.2, Detail : 20, Masking : 70

Landscape : Amount : 40, radius : 0.8, Detail : 50, Masking : 10

Fine Detailed Image :  Amount : 40, radius : 0.6, Detail : 80, Masking : 10

Slide detail  to 100 = threshold : 0 in unsharpen mask.

Fix the flat red color of photo

Original jpeg output of DPP of the red flowers appeared flat :

Use the HSL Luminance and Saturations sliders in Photoshop camera raw

Apply a negative Luminance adjustment to darken the red, orange and yellow to produce an improved version

The improved version:

2011 June非洲紫羅蘭 collection

[hgallery3 id=”7402″ height=”231″ width=”320″]

Change remote desktop listening port

  1. Start Registry Editor.
  2. Locate and then click the following registry subkey:
  3. On the Edit menu, click Modify, and then click Decimal.
  4. Type the new port number, and then click OK.
  5. Quit Registry Editor.
  6. Restart the computer.

2011 Jun Botanic Lab

[hgallery3 id=”7357″ height=”231″ width=”320″]

2011 May Botanic Lab

[hgallery3 id=”7353″ height=”231″ width=”320″]

Ubuntu 11.04 Unity UI & Xinerama

Running into problem with Ubuntu again. I found that I can’t use Xinerama & Compiz together with Ubunut 10.10 (or earlier version. The problem is that Xinerama is not compatible with Compiz. The obvious solution is to either disable Xinerama (use twinview instead) or Compiz. I really want to use Xinerama as I really need desktop spanning .

Today I upgraded to Ubuntu 11.04 and would like to have a try on the Unity UI. However, Xinerama break Unity. The obvious reason I think is Compiz can’t work with Xinerama together. I have to choose either Xinerama or Unity again. Actually I just want to configure my Ubuntu desktop similar to my Windows 7 : Supporting desktop spanning across multiple monitors with a little eye candies. It seems that I still need to wait….

(At last, I replace the desktop with a Nvidia display card and use TwinView instead of Xinerama)

HowTo: Dual Monitors (Xinerama/TwinView/MergedFB/Big-Desktop)

2011 May CUHK flowers

[hgallery3 id=”7345″ height=”231″ width=”320″]

New Dell PowerEdge R510

It can house 12 3.5″ hardisk in a 2U chassis!!