

Increase dovecot 1.2 file descriptors and max login processes

1. edit /etc/dovecot.conf

#login_max_processes_count = 128 login_max_processes_count = 512

2. edit /etc/security/limits.conf

* soft nofile 8096 * hard nofile 8096

>ulimit -n to check the fd limit

Improving the standard Nagios E-Mail notifications

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nmap usage

#1: Scan a single host or an IP address (IPv4) ### Scan a single ip address ### nmap ## Scan a host name ### nmap ## Scan a host name with more info### nmap -v

Sample outputs:

Fig.01: nmap output

#2: Scan multiple IP address or subnet (IPv4) nmap […]

fix ncurses program not working properly under putty terminal

The problem is that PuTTY in UTF-8 mode ignores1 VT100 “Alternate character set” commands, and ncurses attempts to use the “graphical” character set for drawing the GUI. (The box drawing characters are in the same positions as klmqx would normally be.)

export NCURSES_NO_UTF8_ACS=1 it should fix the problem by telling ncurses to always use Unicode […]

Configure Solaris 10’s native LDAP client to authenticate to OpenLDAP Server

1. Solaris’ LDAP authentication requires shadowAccount object class be bound to an account for lookups to succeed. Edit /usr/share/openldap/migration/ to add the shadowAccount object class below posixAccount

2. Run ldapclient command on the Solaris with the parameters as specified as here

3. Remove /etc/pam.conf with this file

4. edit /etc/nsswitch.conf.ldap, change :

hosts: ldap [NOTFOUND=return] […]

VMWare vCenter 5.1 Installation

Apply user settings via GPO from a domain user not under your controlled OU

By default, the GPO user settings of a specific ou will not apply to the domain user not under that ou. There’s a GPO setting which can direct the system to apply the set of Group Policy objects for the computer to any user who logs on to a computer affected by this setting. It […]

full download and progress download mp4 with JW player

I found some mp4 trans-code by some encoder (eg: handbrake with default profile) need full download before playing in JW Player while some mp4 can be played using the progressive download method

The below is the reason and the fix :

It has to do with the moov atom on an mp4 being placed at […]

Installing CUDA on Ubuntu 12.04

One point to remind is that you need to leave nvidia-current package in the Ubuntu to resolve the ubuntu-desktop dependencies.