

Sharpening Photos With PS High Pass Filter

Open Photograph in Photoshop Duplicate Layer Filter > Other > High Pass Radius 0.5 to 2.5 pixels Layer Style > Vivid Light Opacity between 20% and 100% Layers > Merge File > Save-As

Enable “blog this photo” from flickr for self-hosted wordpress blog

Go to your WordPress Settings, to the “Writing” settings page, about half way down there’s a check box next to “XML-RPC: Enable the WordPress, Movable Type, MetaWeblog and Blogger XML-RPC publishing protocols.”

Make sure that box is CHECKED.

PC antispyware 2010

我有個同事中咗, clean咗成兩日….佢連個kasperky都隊瓜咗, 用張UBCD boot起部機行番個kasperky連9月1日個pattern就scan到好多 files infected, clean完之後再reboot部機個PC antispware又係係番到, 我超. 佢個 manual clean procedure又鬼死咁長, 最後download咗個自稱remove pc antispyware嘅 program (, 都唔知係咪真野, 算, 部機又唔係我嘅, 理佢咁多, 照裝. 最後攬掂, 但係個kasperky就再裝唔到, 裝完license都話no license, 冇佢咁好氣, 裝番個free嘅AVG算數, 都係嗰句, 又唔係我部機.

free HDR software

Qtpfsgui : available in Windows, Mac & Linux version

Tutorial : You will see that it involves more steps, the cost of free software

Under Vista x64, the bundled dcraw.exe (program to read raw file) don’t work. Need go to to download the dcrawMS.exe & replace it.

This has been […]

Free DVD ripper

WinX DVD Ripper

haven’t tried it but it claims it is complete free.

Freeware to help reduce high ISO noise

光影魔术手 : apart from reduce high ISO noise, have many other photo retouching function like watermarks, passport photo formatting, etc. It is a shareware previously, now it is completely free but the latest version is only available in 簡體 Need to use with applocale to have proper interface display


Passport Photo (學生相/證件相) DIY 1.8

A simple software to help to make passport like photos

Windows 7 & VHD

Windows 7 natively support VHD, still thinking of possible ways of utilizing this feature in my environment.

Windows 7 Boot from VHD 在Windows XP上使用VHD安装Windows7

Microsoft live mesh

Just tried Microsoft live mesh ( It is a service to sync files between different computers (most importantly, it works with MacOSX). It provide a tool to operate right on your desktop just like a folder and a web interface as well. Moreover, you can also invite your friends to read/edit files in that folder […]

zoomit from microsoft technet

ZoomIt is screen zoom and annotation tool for technical presentations that include application demonstrations.

I found this tool quite handy to zoom out small text or during presentation. Much convenient that the Magnifier builtin in Vista. Moreover, MacOSX 10.5 also provide similar function in the accessibility control panel

You can download it from MS technet […]