

HowTo: Migrate / Move MySQL Database And Users To New Server

See this as well : Backup and Restore mysql database

20 Linux System Monitoring Tools Every SysAdmin Should Know

Useful and informative.

Linux: Subnet (CIDR) Calculator


$ sudo apt-get install sipcalc

$ sipcalc

Another program is whatmask


$ whatmask

———————————————— TCP/IP NETWORK INFORMATION ———————————————— IP Entered = ………………: CIDR = ……………………: /27 Netmask = …………………: Netmask (hex) = ……………: 0xffffffe0 Wildcard Bits = ……………: ———————————————— Network Address = ………….: Broadcast Address = […]

AD domain controller problem

SYSVOL and NETLOGON shares were not online on the DCs NETDIAG and DCDIAG tests on the DCs both had major failures, primarily inability to locate any DCs, Global Catalog Servers, time servers, or domain names

All of these problems utlimately tied to an error in the File Replication Service log on the DCs:

Event […]

Trying of Proxmox VE 1.5

Proxmox VE is position as a bare-metal KVM hypervisor (a customized version of debian). This is not what I want. I am searching for a FREE and versatile KVM management tools running on CentOS 5 to manage a bunch of KVMs used by students. (Something similar to Red hat Enterprise Virtualization Management platform, RHEV-M). However, […]

Ubuntu – vlan & bridge configuration

1. Install VLAN package on your computer:

sudo apt-get install vlan

2. Edit your /etc/network/interfaces file so it would contain the following: # The loopback network interface auto lo iface lo inet loopback

# This is a list of hotpluggable network interfaces. # They will be activated automatically by the hotplug subsystem. auto vlan4 auto […]

Canon DPP(Digital Photo Professional )教學

Exploring XenServer 5.6 Free Edition

Citrix XenServer was starting to provide a Free edition from last year. The features of the free edition are comparable or more than what VMware ESXi provide. I decided to give it a try for its Latest XenServer v5.6 to see how well it will fit into my requirement.

1. The 1st thing I […]

CoVirt 2.0 with KVM

Tried this management tools with KVM. Though it is succesfully installed but it seems that it can’t work with the KVM with CentOS 5.5 very well. When I tried to do a Linux VM provision with it, it returned an error : (‘/etc/qemu-ifup: could not launch network script\n’, 1). There’s no such script in the […]

Exploring KVM with CentOS 5.5

Since VMware have nearly abandoned VMware Server (Not all my servers can/will run VMware ESXi), I start to explore KVM with CentOS 5.5 and also migration tools from vmware based virtual machine image to kvm

After a day of testing, I found KVM on CentOS 5.5 is still not a vital alternative […]