

Windows 2008 R2 DC and samba

If you encountered the below error after you have joined your samba as a member to the Windows 2008R2 AD :

[2011/07/27 09:31:04, 0] rpc_client/cli_pipe.c:rpc_api_pipe(790) rpc_api_pipe: Remote machine your_WINDOWS_DC pipe \NETLOGON fnum 0x4returned critical error. Error was NT_STATUS_PIPE_DISCONNECTED

It is a samba bug, upgradeto samba 3.4.x or above

MacOSX ignore samba create mode and directory mode

putting “unix extensions = no” in the [global] section of your smb.conf file.

Reference :

Joining Samba 3 to Active directory as member using ADS security mode

1. The key config of smb.conf :

client use spnego = yes client signing = yes realm = YOUR.ADS.DOMAIN security = ADS

;only used if the ads user will login the samba member ;winbind uid = 10000-20000 ;winbind gid = 10000-20000 ;winbind enum groups = yes ;winbind enum users = yes

2. The /etc/krb5.conf

[libdefaults] […]

Poor TCP performance can occur in Linux traffic-forwarding virtual machines with LRO enabled

RVP Vivid/Mild/Neutral 及 RDP III PictureStyle

copy from

RVP Vivid:RVP_V 極高對比及偏高銳利度 極高色彩濃度 特別係藍色及紅色 緣色偏向向青綠 天藍色較深 跟正片Fortia SP相似


RVP Mild:RVP_M 中高對比度高銳利度 高濃度色彩 整體光度較原來暗 保留光位細節 黑位沉實 藍色特出 跟正片RVP 100F相似

合於大部份風景及日常找拍 不適合影人

RVP Neutral:RVP_N 大至上同Mild一樣 不過色彩更淡


RDP III:RDP 淡色 中低度對比 保留高光細節 膚色紅潤細滑 面上班點變得不明顯


Photoshop selection tools & refine Edge

CS5 Refine edge Tutorial :

Pre-sharping photos in Adobe camera raw

Portrait : Amount : 35, radius : 1.2, Detail : 20, Masking : 70

Landscape : Amount : 40, radius : 0.8, Detail : 50, Masking : 10

Fine Detailed Image : Amount : 40, radius : 0.6, Detail : 80, Masking : 10

Slide detail to 100 = threshold : 0 in unsharpen mask.

Fix the flat red color of photo

Original jpeg output of DPP of the red flowers appeared flat :

Use the HSL Luminance and Saturations sliders in Photoshop camera raw

Apply a negative Luminance adjustment to darken the red, orange and yellow to produce an improved version

The improved version:


Change remote desktop listening port

Start Registry Editor. Locate and then click the following registry subkey: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\TerminalServer\WinStations\RDP-Tcp\PortNumber On the Edit menu, click Modify, and then click Decimal. Type the new port number, and then click OK. Quit Registry Editor. Restart the computer.

Ubuntu 11.04 Unity UI & Xinerama

Running into problem with Ubuntu again. I found that I can’t use Xinerama & Compiz together with Ubunut 10.10 (or earlier version. The problem is that Xinerama is not compatible with Compiz. The obvious solution is to either disable Xinerama (use twinview instead) or Compiz. I really want to use Xinerama as I really need […]