


Tip 1:

Use explorer2FS to read EXT3 fs if the settop box use EXT3 file system

Tip 2:

Use TsRemux to convert .trp format to .ts and use H264TS Cutter to cut out any advertisement.
[PS: Later I found that H264TS Cutter can also convert .trp to .ts format and if you will use the H264TS Cutter to cut the advertisement , better use back this tool to convert the .trp file because I got error when use the TS cutter to cut the .ts file generated by TsRemux]

Tip 3:

Use ProjectX to extract subtitles from .trp format into .idx subtitle file

  • PreSetting -> Subtitle -> simulate DVB Subpictures IRD color model: 揀 NRK 及 tick additional export as VobSub (idx+sub) 。
    想只出 idx+sub 可以在  PreSetting -> Output -> stream types to process 只 tick Subpicture。
  • 按 File -> Add -> 選取 trp 檔 -> 再按 quickstart,可得出 idx+sub 檔,數量視乎有幾多組字幕而定,以往無記有繁簡字幕,但現在似乎只有一組。

Tip 4:

使用 vobsub 修正字幕開始時間。

  • 把 idx+sub 複製一個, 再開 vobsub 入面的 subresync。拉新複製的 idx入去,在圓點上按一下右鍵兩次出現紅色下箭嘴,同時打開任何可以播放 trp/ts 的播放程式,記下第一句說話的開始時間,返回 subresync
    雙按紅色下箭嘴右邊的數字,打入之前記下來的時間就可以啦 (小時:分鐘:秒.毫秒)
  • 另儲 (Save As…) 時只打入跟trp一樣的名便會自動覆蓋同trp一樣名字的 idx+sub

Tip 5:

Video format converter : SUPER can convert a variety of video format

[PS: I found that SUPER cannot convert the .ts file to other format like mkv. To do this, I use AutoMKV. Moreover, i found this software can utilize the 8 threads of my Corei7 920 ]

Integration of WordPress & Gallery2

Just find a plugin called WPG2 which can embeds Gallery2 within WordPress to share photos, videos and any other Gallery2 content seamlessly into the WordPress Sidebar and Blog entries.

Put together the widget wpg2-widgets, you can display your gallery2 photos in the sidebar.





Batch resize images

use faststone image viewer

Set slideshow delay at gallery 2.3

Change the default from 10s to 4s

  • edit modules/slideshow/templates/Slideshow.tpl, change delay 10 to delay 4
  • edit modules/slideshow/, change delay 10 to delay 4

IronPort incoming mail statistics (restricted by internal network)


新加ABOUT Page

今日整咗個ABOUT Page

Migrate gallery2 photo album

今天打算將我個gallery2 photo album由我部linux搬落個central web server到行, 順便將個gallery2 version 由原本2.2.5 upgrade 到 2.3. 其實做落都幾複雜, 又係試咗好幾次同用咗成個下晏先至整到.

  • 首先就係 Linux到 export 個 gallery2 database 出嚟先 : mysqldump -p gallery2 > gallery2.sql. 然後就import 番佢入去個central mysql server到
  • tar 個g2data directory, 然後scp落去個central data server 我個homedir到. 我個g2data directory成6GB幾, 所以剩係呢到都成個鐘.
  • untar個clean gallery2.3, 佢會有個installation procedure, 跟住會叫你行個upgrade procedure
  • 最後upgrade完, 個gallery2就瓜咗. 我重頭做咗兩次先整到, 首先我用咗個Xtreme theme. 但係呢個theme唔係跟gallery2就有. 所以係migrate前要改番用classic theme先得.
  • 個新gallery2行到後, 又要重新download番D額外嘅plugin, 如果唔係, 又不時會有error.

而家我個gallery2 album條新link就係呢個 :, 咁就唔駛驚我upgrade自己部linux機時會整瓜個gallery2 album.

個gallery2.3嘅slideshow功能勁咗好多, 有番D state of art 嘅feel.

WordPress customization : Add Featured Posts Pages

今天想在wordpress做嘅野就係整個featured Posts Page.

featured posts pages

因為有時會有D posts想成日都俾人睇到, 唔想佢地因為時日而慢慢變成archive跟住沉底.  我嘅方法就係整個static嘅Page, 然後擺我D featured Posts嘅extract落去, 研究咗成個下晏, 最後都做到, 不過都幾複雜.

首先我試咗呢個Inline Posts Plugin for WordPress, 佢都幾似樣下, 已經做到大部份, 但係冇咗個more tag, 如果個Featured Posts Pages有幾個posts, D人就剩係會見到第一個, 徐非佢慢慢scroll咁睇.

跟住就搵到呢個link: WordPress Tip: How to Display a Specific Post Anywhere You Want, 但係裝咗get a postContent Extract兩個plugins 都係未work.

最後裝埋Exec-PHP plugin for WordPress Deactivate Visual Editor 就可以embed get a postContent ExtractD PHP codes 落個featured Posts Page 到.
featured posts pages

咁就可以剩係display個post title同頭 20行喇, 係咪好複雜呢??

My Canon PowerShot G2 die (2002 May – 2009 July)

我部 Canon PowerShot G2終於壞咗, charge唔到電, 變咗一舊電子垃圾. 好幾年前佢又係charge唔到電, 攞咗去canon到整, 整咗成五百幾蚊. 跟住05年去土耳其, 用佢影留嚟D相D顏色好差,佢個CCD應該已經老化咗. 當年佢都算係 prosumer機王, 成五千幾蚊架. 嗰時去東歐時買嘅, 人人見到都話佢係正機.

最後攞咗佢番office影下D無謂野囉. 以下係佢張遺照
