

希特勒的iPhone 3Gs被鎖機



Aruba 2400 壞咗

隻十X萬嘅Aruba 2400用咗5年之後終於壞咗, 着唔到.

呢隻熊仔有冇咁誇呀, 可以去拍戲啦


How to Change or Disable the QoS Reserved Bandwidth Limit in Vista

By default, Vista can reserve up to 20 percent of the network bandwidth for QoS traffic handled by the QoS Packet Scheduler. One hundred percent of the network bandwidth is available to be shared by all programs unless a program (Ex: Windows Update) specifically requests priority bandwidth. This 20 percent reserved bandwidth is still available to other programs unless the requesting program (Ex: VoIP applications) is sending data. Vista can then restrict the best effort traffic to a minimum of 80 percent of the bandwidth to the other programs so that the high priority traffic can be accommodated. If the program that reserved the bandwidth is not sending sufficient data to use it, the unused part of the reserved bandwidth is available for other data flows on the same host.

Launch gpedit.msc

1. In the left pane, click on Computer Configuration, Administrative Templates, and Network, QoS Packet Scheduler.

2. In the right pane, right click on Limit reservable bandwidth and click on Properties.



Sigma 10-20mm F3.5 EX DC

最近想買一支超廣角鏡, 因為其實我都幾鍾意影風景, 研究咗幾個星期 (呢種都係一種樂趣), 終於係以下四支揀咗佢

1. Canon EF-S 10-22mm f3.5-4.5 USM $5300, 原廠鏡人人都話好, 如果價錢唔係間題
2. Tokina AT-X 116 PRO DX (11-16mm f/2.8) $4180, 有個review話佢係APS-C嘅相機中最好嘅超廣角鏡, 都幾有興趣, 但係佢嘅canon mount ver冇咗貨好耐囉喎, 同埋佢嘅zoom range比較短, 冇咁方便.
3. Tamron 10-24mm f/3.5-4.5 $3680, 呢支最平, 但係個個review都話佢質素麻麻, 叫你補多幾百蚊買支好少少喎.

4. Sigma 10-20mm F3.5 恆定 HSM $4480, 佢係Sigma 10-20mm F3.5-4.5 嘅新版, 有個review話佢10mm嘅sharpness好過舊版, 17-20mm就差過舊版(基本上呢支鏡我剩係會用10mm, 17-20mm呢個range我唔係太care), 光圈全開時質素好過tokina ATX 116 F2.8, 咁佢嘅performance應該介乎於canon同tokina之間, 同埋我比較偏向副廠鏡, 影得唔好有得賴呀嘛.

Review :

Picasa now support face tagging

Finally, Windows got a free photo management software somewhat comparable to iphoto. I have both platform but I mainly use Picasa to manage my photos.

Western Digital WD5001ABYS-01YNA firmware 59.0

這個batch的failure rate認真驚人, 之前已經壞了兩隻. 今次就一隻bad sector, 一隻SMART warning. 佢地仲要係同一個RAID 5 volume裡面. 好彩隻”SMART warning”仲頂得住, 仲可以有時間俾我換走隻bad sector碟同rebuild, rebuild完就緊係即刻換走埋隻”SMART warning”碟啦. 佢地都係run咗兩年之嘛. (Power on 咗9235 Hours)



Differences between Dell PE T710 & T610

T710 T610
Rack Tower/5RU

Height: 46.63cm (18.4″)
Length: 73.18cm (28.9″) (overall including bezel)
Width: 21.79cm (8.6″)
Weight (maximum config): 35.3kg (78.0lb)


Height: 44.10cm (17.40”) (with feet)
Width: 27.40cm (10.80”)
Depth: 62.10cm (24.40”) (includes PSU with bezel)
Weight (maximum config): 35 kg (77lb)
Weight (empty): 20.2 kg (45.30lb)

Processor Intel Xeon 5500 dual & Quad core Intel Xeon 5500 dual & Quad core
chipset Intel 5520(Tylersberg) Intel 5520(Tylersberg)
RAM 18x(800/1066/1333MHz) DIMM:Max 144GB DDR3 RAM 12x(800/1066/1333MHz) DIMM:Max 96GB DDR3 RAM
HDD 8X3.5” or 16×2.5” SAS/SATA/SSD(hot plug) 8X3.5” or 8×2.5” SAS/SATA/SSD(hot plug)
USB 9XUSB 2.0 9XUSB 2.1
NIC 4xembedded broadcom Netxtreme II 5709 w/TOE for Windows & Iscsi offload 2xembedded broadcom Netxtreme II 5709 w/TOE for Windows & Iscsi offload