

Joomla!! CMS

The installation php don’t work. Need to do it manually

The 1st module I have installed is Allvideo

Some Free Joomla template

How to insert a table in a Joomla article

Free CMS evaluation

Migration of gallery2 to gallery3

Gallery3 have released the official v1.0 recently. I have already used the RC version and I decided to migrate my gallery2 albums to the gallery3 altogether. The gallery3 have a gallery2 import module so the migration was really simple. The only hiccup was the change of the theme since the default was really not good looking.

There’s still some problems left after the migration. I have found the item columns count at the page view is fixed (3 columns) and it is not easy to change it (still searching the solution). Moreover, I also need a new wordpress module so that I can insert the photos uploaded to the gallery3 in wordoress

My livesignature

A website to create your personal signature

Upgraded to WordPress 3.0.1

Upgraded my blog’s wordpress to v3.0.1

Migrated the wordpress mysql database to a 6 core PE Server. It seems that my blog is a bit more responsive now. Don’t have any concrete measurement. One major problem was I got garbage characters when I exported and imported the wordpress database from mysql 5.1.x on Solaris platform to  MySQL 5.0.x on Linux platform. After I have explicitly specified the default character set to utf-8 during export and import, the problem solved.

Also upgraded the NextGen gallery. It has an integrated flash slideshow now.

PHP & MySQL 5 中文字亂碼

Try to specify the character set to utf8. Unlike MySQL 4 which use Latin1 as the default character set, MySQL 5 use utf8

mysql_query(‘SET NAMES utf8’);
mysql_query(‘SET CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT=utf8’);
mysql_query(‘SET CHARACTER_SET_RESULTS=utf8’);
$rs = mysql_query($query_rsContent, $localhost) or die(mysql_error());

Microsoft + Adobe??

A network rumor about the possibility of the Acquisition of Adobe from Microsoft….If this will become reality,  the consquence is interesting. MIcrosoft + Adobe Vs Apple??

Create your own 貓貓圖示




ZFS Build

A nicely blogs about the progress of building a ZFS SAN/NAS using OpenSolaris

Intel’s IA64, EPIC & VLIW on 1998 issue of BYTE (the last printed issue of BYTE)

Recently, I have read an old article from my BTYE’S archive dated 1998. It was talking about a New CPU joint venture between Intel & HP. The 1st CPU released will be with code name Merced. It was based on EPIC (Explicitly Parallel Instruction Computing) and VLIW (Very Long Instruction Word). In theory, this new CPU technology could free up lot of silicon space on the CPU as all the optimizations of the program codes would be done by the compiler. The CPU no longer needed to include complex logic for dynamic rearrangement of program codes for branch prediction, Out of Order Execution, etc.  According to the article, this CPU would be able to conquer the desktop and server CPU market and provide a fast and low cost CPU in the 2000 era.

However, after 12 years, the fact is clear. This never happened. I have not see the term EPIC or VLIW appeared in various technical websites or articles for so long. Microsoft have announced that Windows server 2008 R2 will be the its last OS to support Itanium. Many Linux version have already dropped the support too. Nowadays, the CPU trend is multi-core, fast interconnect b/w cores in the chip, virtualization support, integration of memory controller, etc and Itanium has been surpassed by new and more capable x64 technology from both Intel and AMD.

Sometimes, watching the fall and down of new technology and how the company market and package it is quite interesting. Another typical example is Windows CE!!

BTW, one thing which made me quite sad is BYTE had also become history. i depended on BYTE to keep abreast of computer technology. Now no technical magazine in the market can catch the depth of BYTE AND I have to spend more time to search and read the cluttered information on the Web. I don’t think this is an advancement!! I really missed BYTE!!


The death of BYTE