

Archos 70 IT : My first Andorid device

玩過iphone之後, 就想買部android pad玩下, 可以比較兩者分別之處. 終於係聖誕節時買了部Archos 70 IT $2198.

部機行Cortex A8 1Ghz, capacitive screen. 都夠快, 但係RAM得256MB,同埋個screen真係唔夠靚, 又用唔到手寫 (因為個screen認唔到第二筆, 除非你可以一筆過寫到個中文字啦, 我就唔得喇). 用咗兩個幾月, 部機我都幾滿意, 佢好輕 (300g), 用嚟上網同睇電子書真是一流. 不過android 2.2真係冇ios咁user friendly, 流暢度又差過iphone, 又成日要kill task, 但係可以接受囉, 起碼好過wm 6.5十萬九千倍. 玩到冇嘢好玩仲可以裝個Developer firmware+custom kernel, 重新間過個flash,OC埋個cpu, 簡直係linux geek嘅恩物.

1. Install Android Market :

2. Root the device without SDE and custom kernel :

3. Another Market :

4. Archos Fans Forum :

Transfer songs to iPhone/iPod/iPad without iTunes

Copy Transfer Manager :

Ubuntu 10.10 booted with a blank screen with Nvidia NVS 295

After clean installation, the machine will be booted with a blank screen.

To solve this (holding shift key to force the grub menu to appear) :

1. Add “nomodeset”  and remove “quiet splash” from the grub menu

2. apt-get install nvidia-current

My iPhone jailbroken with Greenpois0n RC5



1. Mobile Terminal. 但係cydia個mobile terminal未support ios 4.2.1, 要自己去download個 5.11嘅deb嚟裝

2. Installous 4: 要裝ipa就要scp個ipk去 /private/var/mobile/Documents/Installous/Downloads

3. SBSettings

4. iBlacklist

5. Pkgbackup 4.0.5 to backup Cydia data

Add the below  source to Cydia

Upgrade my Samsung Omnia II to Windows Mobile 6.5.3 繁體中文

想將部舊Omnia II裝番MapKing郊遊遠足版, 攞嚟行山當gps用. 但係個官方WM6.5就真係慢到用唔到. 最後就試下將部機upgrade上wm 6.5.3 中文lite version, 斬哂所有samsung嘅programs, 睇下會晤會快D啦.

Running Python on Android

See this for reference but the info is somewhat outdated.

#1. Install Android SDK. There’s some path problem for the 64 bits java with the SDK. I install 32 bits java instead. You can also install Eclipse and ADT if you have time.

#2. Create the Android Virtual Device using the installed SDK Manager

#3. Install the Android Scripting Environment (ASE), now called SL4A (Scripting Layer for Android)

C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-sdk-windows\platform-tools>adb install sl4a_r*.apk

#4. Configure the SL4A

Launch the SL4A and add the installed Python to it

You will see some sample scripts installed as below

#5. Upload a prepared script to the SL4A

  • Run “adb shell” to get an interactive shell to find the location of the python scripts placed. The path found is /mnt/sdcard/sl4a/scripts
  • Use “adb push” to put your script to the path above. eg: adb push /mnt/sdcard/sl4a/scripts

#6. Conclusion : I have to say, the interactive performance of the emulator is really slow. This is making the experience of interactive debugging and editing of the script rather disgusting. It is OK to test and run a simple script with a few lines. For complicated scripts, may be it is better to debug and run on the Android Pad with a physical keyboard attached??

PS: Use Ctrl-F11 to rotate the screen of the emulator


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2011-Jan-Botanic Lab

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Windows 2008 R2 + Samba 3.0.33 + Mac Snow Leopard 10.6

I have used Samba server to share UNIX home directories to users for a no. of years. For simplicity, the Samba server is configured as pass through mode, ie, the encrypted password of the windows clients are passed to the windows domain controller for authentication without joining the domain. This is used to work until we have changed the domain controller to 2008R2. Windows 7 (have changed the network security option to allow NTLMv2 optional) & Windows XP have no problem to connect to the samba share but MacOSX failed with the below error on samba ( NT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER)

I have changed different options on the Windows 2008 R2 DC (change GPO and registry to allow NTLMv2 optional) and upgraded the samba to the latest version (3.5.7) or applying different patches as described on the Net.

Finally, I decided the fix should be on the Mac side since both Windows 7 and XP can connect to share. After a no. of trial and error, I have found the fix by creating the below file on mac



Issues with Mac OS X 10.6 and SMB and AFP file sharing