玩過iphone之後, 就想買部android pad玩下, 可以比較兩者分別之處. 終於係聖誕節時買了部Archos 70 IT $2198.
部機行Cortex A8 1Ghz, capacitive screen. 都夠快, 但係RAM得256MB,同埋個screen真係唔夠靚, 又用唔到手寫 (因為個screen認唔到第二筆, 除非你可以一筆過寫到個中文字啦, 我就唔得喇). 用咗兩個幾月, 部機我都幾滿意, 佢好輕 (300g), 用嚟上網同睇電子書真是一流. 不過android 2.2真係冇ios咁user friendly, 流暢度又差過iphone, 又成日要kill task, 但係可以接受囉, 起碼好過wm 6.5十萬九千倍. 玩到冇嘢好玩仲可以裝個Developer firmware+custom kernel, 重新間過個flash,OC埋個cpu, 簡直係linux geek嘅恩物.
1. Install Android Market : http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=867303
2. Root the device without SDE and custom kernel : http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=928767
3. Another Market :http://applanet.net/
4. Archos Fans Forum : http://archosfans.com/