

Using linux ethernet bridge to counter arp posioning

arp poisoning within LAN (usually a client infected with a virus/Trojan and it spoof the default router mac addr and take the network down or by ddos the default router with arp) is one of attack that is a bit difficult to defense. Subnetting the network into much more smaller part can reduce the impact […]

Installation of Adobe CS3 on Vista x64: A @!#$% journery

I have spent nearly 2 days to install this software on my Vista machine. The installer program is really written badly and it really wasted me a lot of time.

First, I had to uninstall the original Adobe CS2 on my machine and really really unlucky, I think I have got a bad installation disk […]

mount iso/bin image on Vista

I use Virtual CloneDrive (, should be free with trojian

Core i7 920 overclock超頻

用Core i7 920嘅最主要原因, 當然係因為佢可以輕鬆超頻. 如果唔係佢得2.66Ghz, 真係搵鬼買佢.

Config :

1. Core i7 920 2.66Ghz with stock cooler (HK $2320)

2. Asus P6T Deluxe V2 (HK $2390)

3. Kingston DDR3 1333Mhz 2GBx3 (HK $760)

4. Inno GTX 260+ Gold (HK $1299)

5. Seagate 1TB 7200.12 x2 (HK $1500)

6. LG DVD-RW (HK $170)

7. 3R K-100 case […]

HTML tag web references

Free burner program免費燒錄程式

1. ImgBurn : 程式細, 支援ISO和BIN/CUE image

2. DeepBurner Free : 功能出色

Online HTML (WYSIWYG) Web Page Editor

Online HTML (WYSIWYG) Web Page Editor

I use it to format the HTML codes to insert into wordpress posts

wordpress plugin : wp-hightlight

Installed the plugin wp-highlight to highlight search terms

Power rating of home applicance

1. ASUS WL500 : ~12W

2. Eight Group settop box : ~8W

3. Philip 26″ LCD TV : 52W

4. ASUS EEEPC 1000H : charge : 12W, on AC & charge : 16W

5. Compaq nx 8220 NB : on AC without battery : ~1.34W-2.34W Max : 18W

6. AirCond at Bedroom (energy saving model […]

Power rating of my Office PC and equipments

Today I used a Waltage and current meter to measure the power rating of my office PC :

(The Max power rating is measured when the machine is running the prime95 torture test)

1. Core i7 920 oc to 3.33Ghz/6GB DDR3-1333 RAM/Nvidia GT260+ GPU/2x1TB Seagate HD+1x500GB WD HD

Idle : ~165W (core temp : 47C), […]