

Vmware vSphere 4.1 Storage IO Control (SIOC) explained

Added a Picasa widget for wordpress

Just wanna to increase my blog’s load time….:-P

VMware ESXi with eSATA RAID enclosure

I have been searching and evaluating different configurations for running VMware ESXi on whitebox hardware for a while. The major obstacle of doing this is how to provide a cheap and reliable RAID solution for the underlying vmware datastore. One solution is to add a esxi compatible RAID controller. However, on those RAID controllers, some […]

Compiling custom drivers to VMware ESXi

VMWaree ESX/ESXi 4.1 OSS Open source code

VMware ESXi and eSATA raw device mapping

PLs note that -r fomr virtual RDM and -z for physical RDM

vmkfstools -z /vmfs/devices/disks/t10.ATA_____H2FW_CLONE_______________________________QDJ5IQ34N3B99U176IPT officedata-eSATA.vmdk -a lsilogic

The state of Internet

VMware to KVM resources

swap_free: Bad swap file entry xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

I have entered this error on one of Linux box. Initially, I though this was caused by the harddisk problem but finally, it turned out to be a memory problem.


This application allows you to copy large HD movie files into your Archos. The file will be transferred in parts no larger than 4GB in order to be compatible with the storage of the Archos. The HD quality is preserved (no re-encoding!) and the playback is handled seamlessly on the Archos.

Archos 70 IT : My first Andorid device

玩過iphone之後, 就想買部android pad玩下, 可以比較兩者分別之處. 終於係聖誕節時買了部Archos 70 IT $2198.

部機行Cortex A8 1Ghz, capacitive screen. 都夠快, 但係RAM得256MB,同埋個screen真係唔夠靚, 又用唔到手寫 (因為個screen認唔到第二筆, 除非你可以一筆過寫到個中文字啦, 我就唔得喇). 用咗兩個幾月, 部機我都幾滿意, 佢好輕 (300g), 用嚟上網同睇電子書真是一流. 不過android 2.2真係冇ios咁user friendly, 流暢度又差過iphone, 又成日要kill task, 但係可以接受囉, 起碼好過wm 6.5十萬九千倍. 玩到冇嘢好玩仲可以裝個Developer firmware+custom kernel, 重新間過個flash,OC埋個cpu, 簡直係linux geek嘅恩物.

1. Install Android Market :

2. Root the device without SDE and […]