

黃山,宏村,西遞,大幛山,天目山,八天之旅 – 宏村

宏村 – 位于中国安徽省南部的黄山脚下,是一座有着大量明清时期历史建筑的古村落。村中还构建了完善的水系和颇具特色的“牛”形布局,是徽州民居的典型代表

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石城 (呢度係我地四點幾起身,搭個半鍾車影嘅, 預計係影第一線陽光, 不過就天陰有雨, 乜光都冇啦, 團友就同我講, 最緊要係過程, 影得開心就得喎, 有人都就話佢試過係等足四日去影梯田……) [Show as slideshow]

月亮灣 (呢度係我地六點幾起身,搭半鍾車影嘅)

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Hong Kong Park

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wedding snapshot

Have taken some wedding snapshots for my sister in law

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I like this website :

The photos are great.


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Batch Processing Camera RAW images in Photoshop CS

Moreover, I have found that Canon DPP’s raw to jpeg conversion is a bit worst than photoshop CS’s ACR

A firmware hack for 400D to enable ISO 3200 and Spot Metering – continue

OK, just rushed back home to try this hack on my Canon 400D. Bingo, it works both on my 2GB and 4GB CF Card!! Just posted the ISO 1600 and ISO3200 for comparison here.

↑F5.0, 1/30 ISO16OO ↑F5.0, 1/60 ISO3200 ↑ISO3200 after denoise

The noise level of ISO3200 is acceptable. Furthermore, I can also […]

A firmware hack for 400D to enable ISO 3200 and Spot Metering


1. use a fully charged battery. you need CF card reader and windows. on a mac, use windows under bootcamp/vmware fusion.

2. update to latest firmware (1.1.1) by downloading the latest firmware, copying it into the root of CF, and running “update firmware” in the setup menu.

3. empty your CF, download testfir.fir from […]


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