

Free CMS evaluation

Migration of gallery2 to gallery3

Gallery3 have released the official v1.0 recently. I have already used the RC version and I decided to migrate my gallery2 albums to the gallery3 altogether. The gallery3 have a gallery2 import module so the migration was really simple. The only hiccup was the change of the theme since the default was really not good […]

My livesignature

A website to create your personal signature

Upgraded to WordPress 3.0.1

Upgraded my blog’s wordpress to v3.0.1

Migrated the wordpress mysql database to a 6 core PE Server. It seems that my blog is a bit more responsive now. Don’t have any concrete measurement. One major problem was I got garbage characters when I exported and imported the wordpress database from mysql 5.1.x on Solaris platform […]

PHP & MySQL 5 中文字亂碼

Try to specify the character set to utf8. Unlike MySQL 4 which use Latin1 as the default character set, MySQL 5 use utf8

mysql_query(‘SET NAMES utf8’); mysql_query(‘SET CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT=utf8’); mysql_query(‘SET CHARACTER_SET_RESULTS=utf8’); $rs = mysql_query($query_rsContent, $localhost) or die(mysql_error());

Microsoft + Adobe??

A network rumor about the possibility of the Acquisition of Adobe from Microsoft….If this will become reality, the consquence is interesting. MIcrosoft + Adobe Vs Apple??

ZFS Build

A nicely blogs about the progress of building a ZFS SAN/NAS using OpenSolaris

Intel’s IA64, EPIC & VLIW on 1998 issue of BYTE (the last printed issue of BYTE)

Recently, I have read an old article from my BTYE’S archive dated 1998. It was talking about a New CPU joint venture between Intel & HP. The 1st CPU released will be with code name Merced. It was based on EPIC (Explicitly Parallel Instruction Computing) and VLIW (Very Long Instruction Word). In theory, this new […]

Copy the content of harddisk to another under Windows

You can use MiniTool Partiont Wizard Home Edition

unixtodos in Ubuntu

apt-get install tofrodos

Use the command todos & fromdos for the conversion