

Bought a Nissin di866 flash!!


I have never used to flash photography. For taking indoor photos, I usually just  push the ISO.  However, recently after I have tried the Canon 580 EX II, I found that I can get a totally new tone for taking indoor photos: a very sharp and crisp image.

Finally I rushed to buy the Nissin di866 which costed HK$1880

鳴謝達寶客串做model. Taken using Tamron 90mm macro+90 degree 跳燈

Crystal disk mark

For My core i7 machine with ASUS P6T deluxe MB(X58+ICH10R) running Win7 64 bits

c:\ drive (single 500GGB SATA DISK)

Sequential Read :  114.117 MB/s
Sequential Write :  115.773 MB/s
Random Read 512KB :   35.597 MB/s
Random Write 512KB :   73.242 MB/s
Random Read 4KB :    0.646 MB/s
Random Write 4KB :    2.087 MB/s

Test Size : 100 MB
Date : 2010/02/22 9:22:31

d:\ drive (2x1TB SATA RAID 1 using ICH10R), actually I am still researching why the squential R/W is so slow. I have refreshed the most updated BIOS and drivers from ASUS, but the results make no differences. I am still asking myself, is chipset RAID 1 really so slow or just because of my special case??

Sequential Read :   44.881 MB/s
Sequential Write :   57.924 MB/s
Random Read 512KB :   33.111 MB/s
Random Write 512KB :   24.641 MB/s
Random Read 4KB :    0.602 MB/s
Random Write 4KB :    1.274 MB/s

Test Size : 100 MB
Date : 2010/02/22 9:28:54


Sequential Read :    4.594 MB/s
Sequential Write :   32.111 MB/s
Random Read 512KB :    3.492 MB/s
Random Write 512KB :   27.249 MB/s
Random Read 4KB :    4.875 MB/s
Random Write 4KB :    2.325 MB/s

Test Size : 100 MB
Date : 2010/02/22 9:38:30

Thecus NAS5200 iSCSI

Sequential Read :   74.483 MB/s
Sequential Write :   39.634 MB/s
Random Read 512KB :   68.044 MB/s
Random Write 512KB :   53.470 MB/s
Random Read 4KB :    4.305 MB/s
Random Write 4KB :    3.223 MB/s

Dell Optiplex 620 p4 dual core 2.8Ghz running XP

c:\ single 500GB SATA disk
Sequential Read :   52.767 MB/s
Sequential Write :   39.743 MB/s
Random Read 512KB :   21.283 MB/s
Random Write 512KB :   20.604 MB/s
Random Read 4KB :    0.274 MB/s
Random Write 4KB :    0.798 MB/s

e:\ (320 GB PATA disk)

Sequential Read :   55.087 MB/s
Sequential Write :   53.615 MB/s
Random Read 512KB :   27.289 MB/s
Random Write 512KB :   38.354 MB/s
Random Read 4KB :    0.419 MB/s
Random Write 4KB :    1.673 MB/s



blockdev & PERC 6i RAID controller

Recently I have done some informal disk performance test on my newly arrived workstations. (copy a 1GB text file on the same file system).

On a Dell Precsion T3500 with Linux software RAID1 of 2x500GB SATA disk with AHCI enabled :

[root@gsx42 disk1]# time cp a b
real    0m4.499s
user    0m0.054s
sys    0m1.367s

On our busy mail server with PERC6i+ 2x15krpm SAS disk

[root@server mail]# time cp a b
real    0m57.504s
user    0m0.209s
sys     0m2.859s

It seems that the R/W performance of our PERC6i+SAS disk is not very satisfactory when compared to our new  workstation though the mail server is much busier. After some research on google, I added the below parameter : blockdev –setra 16384 /dev/drive. The original readahead buffer for Linux is 128k, I changed this to 8M and redo the test :

root@server mail]# time cp a b
real 0m36.426s
user 0m0.398s
sys 0m2.673s

A nearly double in performance!! I also note that this readahead buffer is only useful in sequential read of large files. This may not be useful for lots of random access of small blocks of data. However, for our mail server, it need to handle lot of large mailboxes so this should be useful. And for Vmware server hosting the vms in local storage, this parameter will be useful too.

Useful references :


configure mod_auth_mysql on self-compiled Apache 2.2.x

Recently I have a need to configure a web directory to have user authentication to access its content. The simplest way is to use .htaccess + htpasswd. However,the requirement specified that the user should be able to change their assigned password later. This requirement make me can’t use the traditional file based authentication (password hard-coded and cannot be changed by user). After some google search, I decided to use put the users and password in the MySQL database so the user can change their password easily through a simple PHP program.

In order to make use of the MySQL user authentication via Apache .htaccess, I have to compile the mod_auth_mysql module into the apache server. This seems to be easy at the first glance, however I can’t compile it successfully on the apache 2.2.x. It seems that the module is designed for the earlier 1.3.x version and can’t compile well on 2.2.x. However, I remembered I have installed this module as RPM on CentOS/RHEL 5 a no. of times so this module should be able to work well with Apache 2.2.x. At last I get the source RPM as mod_auth_mysql-3.0.0-3.1.src.rpm from CentOS repository, install it and patch the bundled tar.gz with the bundled patch and compile, it works.

Afterward, I use the below .htaccess to test according to the doc:

Options Indexes
AuthName “Pls enter your username & password”
AuthType Basic
AuthMYSQLEnable on
AuthMySQLHost [mysqlhost]
AuthMySQLUser [mysql_user]
AuthMySQLPassword [myql_pass]
AuthMySQLDB [database]
AuthMySQLUserTable user_auth
AuthMySQLNameField user_name
AuthMySQLPasswordField user_passwd
AuthMySQLPwEncryption md5
require valid-use

But I got the errors below :

[Mon Feb 08 11:58:06 2010] [error] Internal error: pcfg_openfile() called with NULL filename
[Mon Feb 08 11:58:06 2010] [error] [client x.x.x.x] (9)Bad file descriptor: Could not open password file: (null)

Again doing some research found that I have to turn off file based authentication explicilty, otherwise apache will try to find the password file and failed. The correct .htaccess should be as below :

Options Indexes
AuthName “Pls enter your username & password”
AuthType Basic
AuthBasicAuthoritative Off
AuthUserFile /dev/null

AuthMYSQLEnable on
AuthMySQLHost [mysqlhost]
AuthMySQLUser [mysql_user]
AuthMySQLPassword [myql_pass]
AuthMySQLDB [database]
AuthMySQLUserTable user_auth
AuthMySQLNameField user_name
AuthMySQLPasswordField user_passwd
AuthMySQLPwEncryption md5
require valid-use






Bought a new tripod

Induro AKB0 adventure kit


have done a little bit research on tripod. Many people in forums will recommend you to spend several thousand dollars to buy a decent tripod which will be useful for many years. However, tripod of this class is certainly over cost to me. I have tried this one and found its cost (HK $800), weight (only 1.2Kg with the ball head and the leg), load (It can hold my Canon EOS 400D + Tarmon 18-270mm LENS firmly, they weight about 1kg) and height (with raised center column) are all fit to my requirement. Another brand I would consider is Benro (actually Benro & Induro is the same…..) but I still think that this model is a bargain.


Gitto VGR 9254-S1

型號: Giottos VGR9254-S1
分類: 三腳架套裝
材質: – 腳管: 鋁全金
摺合高度: 42 cm
最低高度: 42.4 cm
展開高度: – 展開中軸: 153.8 cm
– 不展開中軸: 128.5 cm
中軸直徑: (廠商未有提供)
腳管分段: 4 段
腳管直徑: 25 mm
腳管張開角度: (廠商未有提供)
淨重: 1.49 kg
負重: 4 kg
腳管鎖: 旋緊式
連接螺絲呎吋: 3/8″ 或 1/4″
其他: 可變成單腳架使用
– 展開高度: 160.4 cm
– 最低高度: 79.8 cm

VMWare ESXI storage performance

Taken from

SERVER TYPE: Windows Server 2003 R2 VM ON ESXi 4.0 U1
CPU TYPE / NUMBER: VCPU / 1 / 1GB Ram (thin provisioned)
HOST TYPE: HP DL385 G2, 16GB RAM; 2x QC AMD Opteron 2356 Barcelona
SAN TYPE / HBAs: Emulex dual port 4Gb Fiber Channel, HP StorageWorks 2Gb SAN switch
OTHER: Disk.SchedNumReqOutstanding and HBA queue depth set to 64

Fibre Channel SAN Fabric Test

Test Name Avg. Response Time Avg. I/O per Second Avg. MB per Second
Max Throughput – 100% Read 1.62 35,261.29 1,101.92
Real Life – 60% Rand / 65% Read 16.71 2,805.43 21.92
Max Throughput – 50% Read 5.93 10,028.25 313.38
Random 8K – 70% Read 11.08 3,700.69 28.91
SERVER TYPE: Windows Server 2003 R2 VM ON ESXi 4.0 U1
CPU TYPE / NUMBER: VCPU / 1 / 1GB Ram (thin provisioned)
HOST TYPE: HP DL385 G2, 16GB RAM; 2x QC AMD Opteron 2356 Barcelona
STORAGE TYPE / DISK NUMBER / RAID LEVEL: EMC Celerra NS-120 / 15x 146GB 15K 4Gb FC / 3x RAID 5 5×146
OTHER: Shared NetGear 1Gb SoHo Ethernet switch

swISCSI Test

Test Name Avg. Response Time Avg. I/O per Second Avg. MB per Second
Max Throughput – 100% Read 17.52 3,426 107.06
Real Life – 60% Rand / 65% Read 14.33 3,584.53 28
Max Throughput – 50% Read 11.33 5,236.50 163.64
Random 8K – 70% Read 15.25 3,335.68 22.06
SERVER TYPE: Windows Server 2003 R2 VM ON ESXi 4.0 U1
CPU TYPE / NUMBER: VCPU / 1 / 1GB Ram (thin provisioned)
HOST TYPE: HP DL385 G2, 16GB RAM; 2x QC AMD Opteron 2356 Barcelona
STORAGE TYPE / DISK NUMBER / RAID LEVEL: EMC Celerra NS-120 / 15x 146GB 15K 4Gb FC / 3x RAID 5 5×146
OTHER: Shared NetGear 1Gb SoHo Ethernet switch

NFS Test

Test Name Avg. Response Time Avg. I/O per Second Avg. MB per Second
Max Throughput – 100% Read 17.18 3,494.48 109.20
Real Life – 60% Rand / 65% Read 121.85 480.81 3.76
Max Throughput – 50% Read 12.77 4,718.29 147.45
Random 8K – 70% Read 123.41 478.17 3.74

VMWare Server 2.0.x , can’t add the 3rd user for vm permission settings

find a bug in VMWare Server 2.0.2, cannot add the 3rd user or more for permission assignment  after adding the 2nd user and the below error is prompted:vmservererror

Check the file /etc/vmware/hostd/authorization.xml :

     <ACEData id="10">
     <ACEData id="11">

It seems that the problem is the entry <NextAceId>11</NextAceId>, I changed it to <NextAceId>12</NextAceId> and the problem is fixed…