

2011 Mar 海濱公園

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離震央近 日本「貓島」田代島倖存 目前缺糧


田代島位於日本宮城縣石卷市離島,東經141.25 北緯38.17;而「311地震」震央位於東經142.6 北緯38.1,十分接近。直至日前,許多民眾紛紛打聽貓島,卻一直沒有正式消息傳出。


根據《Discovery News》15日報導,日本有三家動保組織在關鍵時刻團結起來,臨時組成「日本震災動物救援與支持聯盟」(Japan Earthquake Animal Rescue and Support),該聯盟14日終於在Facebook專頁發佈消息,指出田代島民和貓群目前都很平安,只是面臨缺糧問題,特別是離島交通問題難以克服, 雖然有志工嘗試以船隻運送,但水中太多碎屑、漂浮物,直昇機變成唯一的管道。目前有軍機將把食物送往貓島,而該動物救援組織也正試著溝通,看看可否把貓糧 也一併運送。

From ezone forum

2011 Mar 達寶

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2011 Mar 杜鵑花

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星期日去咗烏蛟騰行山. 預定路線是由烏蛟騰-荔枝窩-鹿頸. 上網睇資料, 都話烏蛟騰比較偏僻, 路線指示也不太清楚, 所以我已經download定D地圖, 不過有D擔心到時唔知認唔認到路嘞,.

點知去到小巴總站, 去烏蛟騰D人打哂蛇餅, 等咗成差唔多30分鐘先上到車. 到咗烏蛟騰, 去荔枝窩條路都幾難搵, 不過好彩是假日, 跟住條人鏈行就可以了(不過後來發現跟人行嗰條路線同我原先用地圖plan條路係唔同的). 沿途仲有豆腐花供應, 去到荔枝窩仲有飯食 (平日是冇的). 所以這次行山都幾爽, 邊行邊食的感覺很特別.

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2011-Mar (2) -Botanic Lab

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VMware ESXi with eSATA RAID enclosure

I have been searching and evaluating different configurations for running VMware ESXi on whitebox hardware for a while. The major obstacle of doing this is how to provide a cheap and reliable RAID solution for the underlying vmware datastore. One solution is to add a esxi compatible RAID controller. However, on those RAID controllers, some are softraid which esxi can only detect individual harddisk. Moreover, even though the esxi can detect the RAID disk built by those RAID controllers, I have to manage them right on the BIOS which need to bring the system down since the provided management software cannot be installed on esxi directly.

After some testing and evaluation, I finally come up with a solution which is to connect a cheap eSATA RAID 1 box to the onboard SATA port of the whitebox machine. Since the eSATA RAID box is connected to the onboard SATA port, I do not need to care about the driver issue as long as the onboard ICH chipset is supported by esxi. Moreover, I can monitor the status and manage the RAID directly on the RAID enclosure instead of doing on the BIOS which bring the machine down. Finally, those boxes are cheap for simple 2-bay and RAID1 configuration which I need (around HK$1100 to $1500)

2011-Mar-Botanic Lab

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搭64K係白牛石下車, 就會見到梧桐寨個路牌, 途中經過萬德苑, 有很多桃花樹開滿了花, 真的十分美麗, 想不到香港有如此美景.

到了瀑布, 水量不是很多, 還是夏天來比較適合, 不過就會見不到桃花了.

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