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行完花卉展就去咗喜來登食tea Buffet

大埔海濱公園 – 三月之花

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My Canon EOS 400D release count

At this writing it is 12320.


Taken using a Tamron 90mm macro

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Bought a Nissin di866 flash!!

I have never used to flash photography. For taking indoor photos, I usually just push the ISO. However, recently after I have tried the Canon 580 EX II, I found that I can get a totally new tone for taking indoor photos: a very sharp and crisp image.

Finally I rushed to buy the […]


Bought a new tripod

Induro AKB0 adventure kit

have done a little bit research on tripod. Many people in forums will recommend you to spend several thousand dollars to buy a decent tripod which will be useful for many years. However, tripod of this class is certainly over cost to me. I have tried this one and […]

2009 CUHK alumni day

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大埔 – 流浪貓

係大埔見到隻流浪貓, 相當精靈. 其實見到流浪貓, 都唔會同佢地太親近. 因為”怕陌生人”都係佢地其中一種生存要素. 呢個世界有好多對小動物殘忍嘅人, 都係遠離我地人類好D

黃山,宏村,西遞,大幛山,天目山,八天之旅 – 大幛山,天目山,西湖

大幛山 (我地係大幛山到要行成兩個幾鍾頭, 本來我都覺得OK嘅, 但係去大幛山之前, 我地四點幾起身去咗石城, 九點幾嚟到大幛山仲要行成幾個鐘山, 感覺上都幾辛苦, 雖然景色係幾好,但好難講話係enjoy囉.)

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天目山 (呢個天目山, 暗藏殺機, 係山下面就十五六度, 搭咗半個鍾頭車上山(條路係真正嘅九曲十三彎)後, 竟然得番4度, 連導遊都唔知, 因為佢地都未嚟過, 凍到個個傻哂, 仲要係個山行個半鐘, 我行到五點幾上番駁車後十幾分鐘個天已經黑齊, 即係話如果我行慢十幾分鐘, 就要摸黑搵路….不過搭番半個鐘落山仲奇, 個景點竟然已經關咗門, 冇哂燈, 要靠D有電筒嘅團友同領隊照番條路去番個停車場, 又凍又坐成個鍾過山車, 有個導遊終於嘔吐大作)

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