Publications since joining CUHK
- SCC Cheng, CYM Cheng, DM Chiu, AML Chong and VWQ Lou,
"Exploring factors influencing the adoption of in-home respite services: A data science approach",
Third International Workshop on Data science for equality, inclusion and well-being challenges, 2023
- S Xie, Y Li, DSH Tam, X Liu, QF Ying, WC Lau, DM Chiu and SZ Chen,
"GTEA: Inductive Representation Learning on Temporal Interaction Graphs via Temporal Edge Aggregation",
PAKDD 2023
- T Xu, MS Tsui and DM Chiu,
"Why Hong Kong Ranks Highest in Life Expectancy: Looking for Answers from Data Science and Social Sciences",
IEEE Journal of Social Computing 3:250-261 (2022)
- Y Wu, S Venkatramanan and DM Chiu,
"A Population Model for Academia: Case Study of the Computer Science Community Using DBLP Bibliography 1960-2016",
IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing 9(1):258-268 (2021)
- H Yan, C Yang, D Yu, Y Li, D Jin and DM Chiu,
"Multi-Site User Behavior Modeling and Its Application in Video Recommendation",
IEEE Transactions of Knowledge and Data Engineering 33(1):180-193 (2021)
- Y Li, DSH Tam, S Xie, X Liu, QF Ying, WC Lau, DM Chiu and SZ Chen,
"Temporal Graph Representation Learning for Detecting Anomalies in E-payment Systems",
ICDM (Workshops) 2021:983-990
- S Guo, C Chen, J Wang, Y Liu, K Xu, DM Chiu,
"Fine-grained Dynamic Price Prediction in Ride-on-demand Services: Models and Evaluations",
Mobile Network Applications 25(2):505-520 (2020)
- S Guo, C Chen, J Wang, Y Liu, K Xu, Z Yu, D Zhang, DM Chiu,
"ROD-Revenue: Seeking Strategies Analysis and Revenue Prediction in Ride-on-Demand Service Using Multi-Source Urban Data",
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 19(9):2202-2220 (2020)
- DSH Tam, WC Lau, B Hu, QF Ying, DM Chiu and H Liu,
"Identifying Illicit Accounts in Large Scale E-payment Networks - A Graph Representation Learning Approach",
1st workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Business Security, co-located with IJCAI 2019
- QF Ying, DM Chiu, S Venkatramanan and XP Zhang,
"User Modeling and Usage Profiling Based on Temporal Posting Behavior in OSNs",
Elsevier Online Social Networks and Media, 8:32-41 (2018)
- SM Guo et al,
"A Simple but Quantifiable Approach to Dynamic Price Prediction in Ride-on-demand Services Leveraging Multi-source Urban Data",
ACM IMWUT (and Ubicomp 2018)
- QF Ying, DM Chiu and XP Zhang,
"Diversity of a User's Friend Circle in OSNs and Its Use for Profiling",
Social Informatics 2018, also as Springer's Lectural Notes in Computer Science 11185.
- YP Zhou, JQ Wu, T Chan, SW Ho, DM Chiu and D Wu,
"Interpreting Video Recommendation Mechanisms by Mining View Count Traces",
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 20(8):2153-2165, August 2018
- HW Ma, XK Jiang, R Ma, ZY Ma, YZ Cai and DM Chiu,
"Smart Streaming of Panoramic Video",
VR/AR Network Workshop, at Sigcomm 2018.
- QF Ying, DM Chiu, S Venkatramanan and XP Zhang,
"Profiling OSN Users Based on Posting Patterns",
OSNED 2018, a Workshop that is part of The Web Conference 2018, Lyon, France
- SM Guo et al,
"How to Pay Less: A Location-specific Approach to Predict Dynamic Prices in Ride-on-demand Services",
Journal of IET Intelligent Transport Systems, 2018.
- SM Guo, C Chen, YX Liu, K Xu, and DM Chiu,
"Modelling Passengers Reaction to Dynamic Prices in Ride-on-demand Services: A Search for the Best Fare",
accepted by ACM IMWUT (and Ubicomp 2018)
- SM Guo, C Chen, YX Liu, K Xu and DM Chiu,
"It can be cheaper: Using price prediction to obtain better prices from dynamic pricing in ride-on-demand services", Mobiquitous, Nov 2017 (Melbourne).
- SM Guo, L Chen and DM Chiu,
"An Incentive-based Mixed QoE framework for Content Delivery to Smart Homes",
International Conference of Computer Communication Networks, 2017 (Vanouver).
- CF Yang, H Yan, DH Yu, Y Li and DM Chiu,
"Multi-site User Behavior Modeling and Its Application in Video Recommendation",
ACM SIGIR, August 2017 (Tokyo).
- DM Chiu,
"Internet Evolution",
IEEE Internet Computing, May-June issue, 2017.
- RTB Ma, JJ Wang and DM Chiu,
"Paid Prioritization and Its Impact on Net Neutrality",
IEEE JSAC Game Theory for Networks special issue, 35(2): 1-13, February 2017.
- SM Guo, XX Liu, K Xu and DM Chiu,
"Understanding Passenger Reaction to Dynamic Prices in Ride-on-demand Service",
IEEE Percom Work in Progress, 2017
- SM Guo, YX Liu, K Xu and DM Chiu,
"Understanding Ride-on-demand Service: Demand and Dynamic Pricing",
The First International Workshop on Pervasive Smart Living Spaces, as part of Percom 2017 (Hawaii).
- L Zhan and DM Chiu,
"Data Analytic Policy Design Applied to Energy Conservation in College Dormitories",
International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Smart Grid and Smart Buildings, as part of AAAI 2017 (San Francisco).
- CF Yang, YP Zhou, L Chen, XP Zhang, and DM Chiu,
"Social-group-based ranking algorithms for cold-start video recommendation",
International Journal of Data Science and Analytics, 1(3): 165-175, 2016.
- JQ Wu, YP Zhou, DM Chiu and ZR Zhu,
"Modeling Dynamics of Online Video Popularity",
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 18(9): 1882-1895, 2016.
- Y Wu, S Venkatramanan and DM Chiu,
"Research collaboration and topic trends in Computer Science based on top active authors",
PeerJ (Open Access).
- CF Yang, YP Zhou and DM Chiu,
"Who are Like-minded: Mining User Interest Similarity in Online Social Networks",
ICWSM poster, May 2016 (Koln, Germany).
- CF Yang, YP Zhou, L Chen, XP Zhang and DM Chiu,
"Social Group Based Video Recommendation Addressing the Cold-Start Problem",
PAKDD, April 2016 (Auckland).
- Y Wu, S Venkat and DM Chiu,
"Get To the Top and Stay There: A Study of Citation Rank Dynamics in Academia",
BigScholar, a workshop at WWW April 2016 (Montreal)
- Y Wu, S Venkatramanan and DM Chiu,
"A Population Model for the Academic Ecosystem",
arXiv:1503.08312, March 2015.
- YP Zhou, L Chen, CF Yang and DM Chiu,
"Video Popularity Dynamics and its Implication for Replication",
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 17(8):1273-1285, 2015.
- YP Zhou, TZJ Fu and DM Chiu,
"A Unifying Model and Analysis of P2P VoD Replication and Scheduling",
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking 23(4): 1163-1175, August 2015.
- L Chen, YP Zhou and DM Chiu,
"Analysis and Detection of Fake Views in Online Video Services",
ACM TOMCCAP 11(2s):44:1-44:20, 2015.
- L Chen, YP Zhou and DM Chiu,
"Smart Streaming for Online Video Services",
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia Journal 17(4): 485-497, 2015.
- YP Zhou, CF Yang, L Chen, TZJ Fu and DM Chiu,
"Turbocharged Video Distribution via P2P",
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 25(2):287-299, 2015.
- L Zhan and DM Chiu,
"Encouraging Energy Conservation in Campus Dormitory via Monitoring and Policies",
International Workshop on Distributed Energy Networks (DEN), co-located with ACM e-Energy, July 14, 2015
- Y WU, S Venkatramanan and DM Chiu,
"Research Collaboration and Topic Trends in Computer Science - An Analysis Based on UCP Authors",
SAVE-SD 2015, a workshop at WWW 2015.
- QF Ying, S Venkatramanan and DM Chiu,
"Modeling and Analysis of Scholar Mobility on Scientific Landscape",
BigScholar 2015, a workshop at WWW 2015.
- SM Guo, L Chen and DM Chiu,
"DST: Leveraging Delay-insensitive Workload in Cloud Storage for Smart Home Network",
ICCCN 2015, Aug 3-6 (Las Vegas).
- JQ Wu, YP Zhou, DM Chiu and Zirong Zhu,
"CDN Bandwidth Allocation in Weakly Interconnected Networks"
ISCC, July 6-9, 2015.
- JQ Wu, YP Zhou, ZR Zhu and DM Chiu,
"Modeling Dynamics of Online Video Popularity",
IEEE/ACM IWQoS, June 2015.
- YP Zhou, L Chen, M Jing, Z Ming and DM Chiu,
"Analyzing Streaming Performance in Crowdsourcing-based Video Service Systems",
IEEE LANMAN 2015, April 22-24 (Beijing).
- SM Guo, L Chen, GQ Zhang and DM Chiu,
"Batching for Smart Home: Leveraging Delay-insensitive Workload in Cloud Storage",
- L Zhan, YW Hua, ZR Zhu, DM Chiu,
"A Measurement Study of Mobile Video Streaming by Different Types of Devices",
- Y Wu, TZJ Fu and DM Chiu,
"Generalized Preferential Attachment Considering Aging",
Journal of Informetrics 8:650-658, 2014.
- TZJ Fu, QQ Song and DM Chiu,
"The Academic Social Network",
Springer Scientometrics, 101(1): 203-239, 2014.
- L Zhan and DM Chiu,
"MCKit: a mobile app for conferences",
ACM Computer Communication Review 44(2):59-64, 2014.
- YD Xu, YP Zhou and DM Chiu,
"Analytical QoE Models for Bit-Rate Switching in Dynamic Adaptive Streaming Systems",
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 13(12):2734-2748, 2014.
- L Chen, YP Zhou and DM Chiu,
"A Study of User Behavior in Online VoD services",
Elsevier Computer Communications, 46:66-75, 2014.
- CX Li, BX Zhang, CJ Chen and DM Chiu,
"Relevant Window-based Bitmap Compression in P2P Systems: Framework and Solution",
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 16(7): 1821-1833, 2014.
- YS Chen, BX Zhang, CJ Chen and DM Chiu,
"Performance Modeling and Evaluation of Peer-to-Peer Live Streaming Systems under Flash Crowds",
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking 22(4): 1106-1120, 2014.
- CK Chau, Q Wang and DM Chiu,
"Economic Viability of Paris Metro Pricing for Digital Services",
ACM Transactions on Internet Technology, 14(2-3), 12, October 2014.
special issue on "Pricing and Incentives in Networks and Systems".
- Q Li, DM Chiu, MH Xu and JP Wu,
"An Economic Analysis of Routing Conflict and Its Resolution",
Performance Evaluation, 71:25-43, 2014.
- J Camacho, Y Zhang, MH Chen and DM Chiu,
"Balance your Bids before your Bits: The Economics of Geographic Load-Balancing",
ACM e-Energy, June 11-13, 2014 (Cambridge)
- JQ Wu, L Chen, DM Chiu, YW Hua and Zirong Zhu,
"A Measurement Study of the Potential Benefits for Peer-Assisted Mobile VoD",
IWCMC 2014, TRAC Workship (Cyprus).
- L Chen, YP Zhou and DM Chiu,
"A lifetime model of online video popularity",
ICCCN 2014.
- L Chen, YP Zhou and DM Chiu,
"Fake View Analytics in Online Video Services",
NOSSDAV 2014 (Singapore)
- CF Yang, YP Zhou, TZJ Fu and DM Chiu,
"Efficient P2P Video Distribution by Peer Reorganization",
COMSNETS, Jan 2014, (invited paper)
- JJ Wang, RTB Ma and DM Chiu,
"Paid Prioritization and Its Impact on Net Neutrality",
IFIP Networking 2014, (Norway).
- YP Zhou, TZJ Fu, DM Chiu, and Gale Huang,
"An Adaptive Cloud Downloading Service",
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia Special Issue on Cloud-based Mobile Media,
15(4):802-810, June 2013.
- YP Zhou, TZJ Fu and DM Chiu,
"On Replication Algorithm in P2P VoD",
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 12(1):233-243, February 2013.
- TZJ Fu, Q Ying and DM Chiu,
"MYE: Missing Year Estimation in Academic Social Networks"
CoRR abs/1306.4066 (2013)
- L Zhan, TZJ Fu, DM Chiu and ZB Lei,
"A Framework for Monitoring and Measuring a Large-Scale Distributed System in Real Time",
HotPlanet, a Sigcomm workshop, August 2013.
- L Chen, YP Zhou and DM Chiu,
"Video Browsing - A Study of User Behavior in Online VoD Services",
ICCCN, July 2013.
- MY Chiu, KH Wu, ZB Lei and DM Chiu,
"Video Standard Compliant Layered P2P Streaming",
ICMT 2013.
- YP Zhou, TZJ Fu and DM Chiu,
"Server-Assisted Adaptive Video Replication for P2P VoD",
Elsevier Journal of Signal Processing: Image Communication,
Advances in 2D/3D Video Streaming Over P2P Networks, 27(4):484-495, May 2012.
- JQ Huang, QY Liu, ZB Lei and DM Chiu,
"Applications of Social Networks in Peer-to-peer Networks",
in "Computational Social Networks: Tools, Perspectives and Applications",
edited by A Abraham and AE Hassanien: 301-327,
Springer-Verlag, 2012.
- QM Li, JCS Lui and DM Chiu,
"On the Security and Efficiency of Content Distribution Via Network Coding",
IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, 9(2):211-221, 2012.
- Q Li, MW Xu, JP Wu, PPC Lee, XG Shi, DM Chiu, and Y Yang
"A Unified Approach to Routing Protection in IP Networks"
IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, 9(3):306-319,
September 2012.
- RTB Ma, DM Chiu, JCS Lui, V Misra and D Rubenstein,
"Price Differentiation in the Kelly Mechanism",
ACM Sigmetrics Performance Evaluation Review, 40(2):30-33, 2012.
- Q Zhao, JCS Lui and DM Chiu,
"A Mathematical Framework for Analyzing Adaptive Incentive Protocols in P2P Networks",
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 20(2):367-380, 2012.
- J Park, TZJ Fu and DM Chiu,
"Networking, Clustering and Brokering keywords in the computer science research",
ICDIM 2012: 110-115, 2012.
- YP Zhou, TZJ Fu and DM Chiu,
"'Division-of-labor between Server and P2P for Streaming VoD",
IEEE/ACM IWQoS 2012, June 2012.
- YP Zhou, TZJ Fu and DM Chiu,
"A Unifying Model and Analysis of P2P VoD Replication and Scheduling",
IEEE Infocom 2012, Florida.
- L Chen, XG Shi and DM Chiu,
"From ISP Address Announcement Patterns to Routing Scalability",
short paper in Traffic Monitoring and Analysis Workshop (part of PAM Conference) 2012.
- YZ Wang, TZJ Fu and DM Chiu,
"Design and Evaluation of Load Balancing Algorithms in P2P Streaming Protocols",
Elsevier Computer Networks, Special Issue on Internet-based Content Delivery, 55(18):4043-4054, Dec 2011.
- YP Zhou, DM Chiu and JCS Lui,
"A Simple Model for Chunk Scheduling Strategies in P2P Streaming" (preprint),
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 19(1):42-54, Feb 2011.
- Q Li, MW Xu, JP Wu, PPC Lee and DM Chiu,
"Towards a Practical Approach for BGP Stability with Root Cause Check",
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, Elsevier, 71(8), pp. 1098-1110, August 2011.
- RTB Ma, DM Chiu, JCS Lui, V Misra and D Rubenstein,
"On Cooperative Settlement Between Content, Transit and Eyeball Internet Service
Providers", IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 19(3):802-815, June 2011.
- JJ Wang, TZJ Fu, DM Chiu, Z Lei,
"Perceptual quality assessment on BD tradeoff of P2P assisted layered video streaming",
- YP Zhou, TZJ Fu and DM Chiu,
"Statistical Modeling and Analysis of P2P Replication to Support VoD Service",
IEEE Infocom, 2011, Shanghai (preprint).
- XG Shi, CK Chau and DM Chiu,
"Space-efficient Tracking of Network-wide Flow Correlations",
Infocom mini-conference, 2011, Shanghai.
- S Feng, JW Huang and DM Chiu,
"Bargaining and peering between network content and coverage providers",
invited paper at GameNets 2011.
- DM Chiu and TZJ Fu,
"'Publish or Perish' in the Internet Age: a study of publication statistics in computer networking research",
ACM Computer Communication Review 40(1):34-43, 2010.
- MH Lin, JCS Lui and DM Chiu,
"An ISP-friendly File Distribution Protocol: Analysis, Design and Implementation",
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems. 21(9):1317-1329, 2010.
- K Xu, M Zhang, M Ye, DM Chiu and JP Wu,
"Identify P2P traffic by inspecting data transfer behavior",
Computer Communications 33(10): 1141-1150, 2010.
- XG Shi, DM Chiu and JCS Lui,
"An Online Framework for Catching Top Spreaders and Scanners",
Elsevier Computer Networks, 54(9), pp 1376-1388, June 2010.
- RTB Ma, DM Chiu, JCS Lui, V Misra, D Rubenstein,
"Internet Economics: The use of Shapley value for ISP settlement",
IEEE/ACM Transcations on Networking, 18(3), pp 775-789, 2010.
- YD Xu, JCS Lui and DM Chiu,
"On Oligopoly Spectrum Allocation Game in Cognitive Radio Networks with Capacity Constraints",
Elsevier Computer Networks special issue on New Network Paradigms, 54(6), pp 925-943, April 2010.
- J Le, JCS Lui and DM Chiu,
"On the Performance Bounds of Practical Wireless Network Coding ",
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 9(8), pp 1134-1146, June 2010.
- J Le, JCS Lui and DM Chiu,
"DCAR: Distributed Coding-Aware Routing Protocol for Wireless Networks",
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 9(4), pp596-608, April 2010.
- TZJ Fu, WT Leung, PY Lam, DM Chiu and ZB Lei,
"Perceptual Quality Assessment of P2P Assisted Streaming Video
for Chunk-level Playback Controller Design", PV 2010 (The 18th International Packet Video Workshop),
Dec 13-14, Hong Kong.
- TZJ Fu, DM Chiu and ZB Lei,
"Designing QoE Experiments to Evaluate Peer-to-Peer Streaming Applicaitons",
VCIP 2010, July 2010.
- J Liu and DM Chiu,
"Mathematical Modeling of Competition in Sponsored Search Market",
NetEcon 2010, Oct 3, 2010, Vancouver.
- S Chau, Q Wang and DM Chiu,
"On the Viability of Paris Metro Pricing for Communication and Service Networks",
IEEE Infocom, Mar 2010.
- Y Hu, DM Chiu and JCS Lui,
"Profiling and identification of P2P traffic"
Elsevior Computer Networks, 53(6), April 2009.
- B Fan, JCS Lui and DM chiu,
"The Design Tradeoffs of BitTorrent-like File Sharing Protocols",
IEEE/ACM Transaction of Networking, 17(2), pp 365-376, April 2009.
- Y Hu, DM Chiu and JCS Lui,
"Entropy based adaptive flow aggregation",
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, Vol 17 Issue 3, June 2009.
- YD Xu, JCS Lui and DM Chiu,
"Analysis and Scheduling of Practical Network Coding in OFDMA Relay Networks",
Journal of Computer Networks, 53(12), pp 2120-2139, on-line April 2009, published Aug 2009.
- YD Xu, JCS Lui and DM Chiu,
"Improving Energy Efficiency Via Probabilistic Rate Combination in 802.11 Multi-rate Wireless Networks",
Journal of Ad Hoc Networks, 7(7), pp. 1370-1385, Sept 2009.
- Y Wang, JCS Lui and DM Chiu,
"Understanding the Paradoxical Effects of Power Control on the Capacity of Wireless Networks",
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 8(1), January 2009.
- Y Wang, JCS Lui and DM Chiu,
"Characterizing the Capacity Gain of Stream Control Scheduling in MIMO Wireless Mesh Networks", Journal of Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, 9(6): 819-829 (2009).
- Q Zhao, JCS Lui and DM Chiu,
"Exploring the Optimal Chunk Selection Policy for Data-Driven P2P Streaming Systems",
The 9th International Conference on Peer-to-Peer Computing, Sept 2009. (Tech Report version)
- TY Li, MH Chen, DM Chiu and MK Chen,
"Queueing Models for Peer-to-Peer Systems",
IPTPS 2009, Boston.
- Q Zhao, JCS Lui and DM Chiu,
"Analysis of Adaptive Incentive Protocols for P2P Networks",
Infocom 2009, Brazil.
- MJ Ye, JP Wu, K Xu and DM Chiu,
"Identify P2P Traffic by Inspecting Data Transfer Behaviour",
IFIP Networking 2009 (Aachen, Germany), (pdf)
- ZJ Fu, Y Hu, XG Shi, DM Chiu and JCS Lui,
"PBS: Periodic Behavioral Spectrum of P2P Applications",
PAM 2009, Seoul.
- JL Wang, DM Chiu and JCS Lui,
"Credit-based Network Management",
invited paper for COMSNETS 2009.
- BQ Zhao, YK Li, JCS Lui and DM Chiu,
"Mathematical Modeling of Advertisement and Influence Spread in Social Networks",
ACM Workshop on the Economics of Networked Systems (NetEcon), Sept 2009.
- BQ Zhao, YK Li, JCS Lui and DM Chiu,
"On Modeling Product Advertisement in Large Social Networks",
- JH Wang, DM Chiu and JCS Lui,
"A Game-theoretic Analysis of the Implications of Overlay Network Traffic on ISP Peering,
Computer Networks, 52(15), pp 2817-3028, October 2008.
- MH Lin, JCS Lui and DM Chiu,
"Design and Analysis of ISP-Friendly File Distribution Protocol",
Allerton Conference, 2008, invited paper.
- YZ Wang, ZJ Fu and DM Chiu,
"Analysis of Load Balancing Algorithms in P2P Streaming",
Allerton Conference, 2008, invited paper (pdf).
- L Jia, DM Chiu,
"Designs and Evaluation of a Tracker in P2P Networks",
(short paper) P2P'08, Aachen, Germany (pdf).
- Y Huang, ZJ Fu, DM Chiu, JCS Lui and C Huang,
"Challenges, Design and Analysis of a Large-scale P2P VoD System",
ACM Sigcomm 2008, Seattle.
- Y Hu, DM Chiu and JCS Lui,
"Application Identification based on Network Behavioral Profiles",
IEEE IWQoS 2008 (pdf).
- R Ma, DM Chiu, JCS Lui, V Misra and D Rubenstein,
"On Cooperative Settlement Between Content, Transit and Eyeball Internet Service Providers",
ACM CoNext 2008.
- RTB Ma, DM Chiu, JCS Lui, V Misra, D Rubenstein,
"The Shapley Value: its Use and Implications on Internet Economics",
Allerton Conference, Sept 2008.
- Y Cheung, DM Chiu, JW Huang,
"Can Bilateral ISP Peering Lead to Network-wide Cooperative Settlement",
ICCCN 2008.
- Q Zhao, JCS Lui and DM Chiu,
"Mathematical Modeling of Incentive Policies in P2P Systems",
NetEcon 2008, a workshop at ACM Sigcomm 2008, Seattle.
- R Ma, DM Chiu, JCS Lui, V Misra and D Rubenstein,
"Interconnecting Eyeballs to Content: A Shapley Value Perspective on ISP Peering and Settlement",
NetEcon 2008, a workshop at ACM Sigcomm, Aug 2008, Seattle.
- Q Wang, DM Chiu and JCS Lui,
"ISP Uplink Pricing in a Competitive Market",
ICT 2008, St Petersburg.
- J Le, JCS Lui and DM Chiu,
"How Many Packets Can We Encode",
IEEE Infocom 2008 (tech report)
- J Le, JCS Lui and DM Chiu,
"DCAR: Distributed Coding-Aware ROuting in Wireless Networks",
IEEE ICDCS 2008 (pdf)
- MH Lin, B Fan, JCS Lui and DM Chiu,
"Stochastic Analysis of File Swarming Systems",
Performance Evaluation (Elsevier) 64(9-12), 2007; also presented at IFIP Performance 2007.
- JH Wang, DM Chiu, JCS Lui and RKC Chang,
"Inter-AS Inbound Traffic Engineering via ASPP",
IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management Vol 4, Num 1, June 2007.
- DM Chiu and ASW Tam,
"Fairness of Traffic Controls for Inelastic Flows in the Internet",
Computer Networks (Elsevier) Volume 51, Issue 11, pp 2938-57, August 2007.
- CW Tan, DM Chiu, JCS Lui and D Yau,
"A Distributed Throttling Approach for Handling High Bandwidth Aggregates for High-Speed Networks",
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Vol 18, Issue 7, July 2007.
- RK Lam, DM Chiu and JCS Lui,
"On the Access Pricing and Network Scaling Issues of Wireless Mesh Networks",
IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol 56 Issue 11, Nov 2007.
- WY Ng, DM Chiu and WK Lin,
"Club Formation by Rational Sharing: Content, Viability and Community Structure",
Algorithmica, 8 Nov 2007.
- YP Zhou, DM Chiu and JCS Lui,
"A Simple Model for Analyzing P2P Streaming Protocols",
IEEE ICNP 2007, Beijing.
- WK Lin, C Ye and DM Chiu,
"Decentralized Replication Algorithms for Improving File Availability in P2P Networks",
- C Ye and DM Chiu,
"Peer-to-Peer Replication with Preferences",
InfoScale 2007, SuZhou.
- ZJ Fu, DM Chiu and JCS Lui,
"Performance metrics and configuration strategies for group network communication",
- R Ma, DM Chiu, JCS Lui, V Misra and D Rubenstein,
"Internet Economics: the use of Shapley value for ISP settlement",
ACM CoNext, Dec 2007.
- J Le, JCS Lui and DM Chiu,
"Towards Coding-Efficient Link-Scheduling and Coding-Aware Routing in Wireless Networks",
- Y Wang, DM Chiu and JCS Lui,
"Characterizing the Capacity Gain of Stream Control Scheduling in MIMO Wireless Mesh Networks",
IFIP/TC6 NETWORKING 2007 (22.5%)
- YD Xu, Y Wang, JCS Lui and DM Chiu,
"Balancing Throughput and Fairness for TCP Flows in Multihop Ad-Hoc Networks",
IEEE WiOpt 2007
- SCM Lee, JWJ Jiang, JCS Lui and DM Chiu,
"Interplay of ISPs: Distributed Resource Allocation and Revenue Maximization",
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Vol 19 Issue 2, Feb 2008 pp 204-218.
- B Fan, DM Chiu and JCS Lui,
"The Delicate Tradeoff of BitTorrent-like File Sharing Protocol Design",
- QM Li, DM Chiu and JCS Lui,
"On the Practical and Security Issues of Batch Content Distribution via Network Coding",
- B Fan, DM Chiu and JCS Lui,
"Stochastic Analysis and File Availability Enhancement for BT-like File Sharing Systems",
IEEE IWQoS 2006 (Yale)
- B Fan, DM Chiu and JCS Lui,
"Stochastic Differential Equation Approach to Model BitTorrent-like P2P System",
IEEE ICC 2006 (Istanbul)
- DM Chiu, RW Yeung, JQ Huang and B Fan,
"Can Network Coding Help in P2P Networks"
Invited paper in Second Workshop of Network Coding, in conjunction with WiOpt, April 2006 (Boston)
- Y Hu, DM Chiu and JCS Lui,
"Adaptive Flow Aggregation - A New Solution for Robust Flow Monitoring under Security Attacks",
Best student paper in IEEE/IFIP NOMS, April 2006.
- SW Tam, DM Chiu, JCS Lui and YC Tay,
"A Case for TCP-friendly Admission Control",
IEEE IWQoS 2006 (Yale)
- B Zhou, CP Fu, DM Chiu, CT Lau and LH Ngoh,
"A Simple Throughput Model for TCP Veno",
IEEE ICC 2006 (Istanbul)
- RK Lam, DM Chiu and JCS Lui,
"On the Access Pricing and Network Scaling Issues of Wireless Mesh Networks",
- SCM Lee, JWJ Jiang, JCS Lui and DM Chiu,
"Interplay of ISPs: Distributed Resource Allocation and Revenue Maximization
- JH Wang, DM Chiu and JCS Lui,
Modeling the Peering and Routing Tussle between ISPs and P2P Applications",
IEEE IWQoS, 2006 (Yale)
- Y Gao, DM Chiu and JCS Lui,
"Determining the End-to-end Throughput Capacity in Multi-Hop Networks: Methodolgy and Applications",
ACM Sigmetrics/Performance 2006 (St Malo)
- WJ Jiang, DM Chiu and John Lui,
"On the Interaction of Multiple Overlay Routing",
Performance Evaluation (Elsevier), Vol 62, Issues 1-4, pp 229-246, 2005;
Best student paper in Performance 2005 (Juan-les-pins); an extended abstract also presented at
the Mathematical Performance Modeling and Analysis Workshop held with ACM Sigmetrics, June 2005 (Banff)
- WY Ng, WK Lin and DM Chiu,
"Statistical modelling of information sharing: community, membership and content",
Performance Evaluation (Elsevier), Vol 62, Issues 1-4, pp 17-31, 2005;
also in proceedings of Performance 2005 (Juan-les-pins)
- WF Poon, YB Lee and DM Chiu,
"Comparison of Data Replication Strategies for Peer-to-Peer Video Streaming",
ICICS 2005 (pdf)
- CW Tan, DM Chiu, JCS Lui and D Yau,
"Handling High Bandwidth Aggregates By Receiver Driven Feedback Control",
COMPSAC 2005 (the International Workshop on Software Cybernetics).
- DM Chiu and ASW Tam,
"Network Fairness for Heterogeneous Applications"
ACM Sigcomm Asia Workshop April 2005 (Beijing)
- H Wang, Rocky Chang, DM Chiu and JCS Lui,
"Characterizing the Performance and Stability Issues of the AS Path Prepending Method: Taxonomy, Measurement Study and Analysis"
ACM Sigcomm Asia Workshop April 2005 (Beijing)
- WY Ng, DM Chiu and WK Lin,
"Club Formation by Rational Sharing: Content, Viability and Community Structure",
WINE (Workshop on Internet and Network Economics), Dec 2005 (Hong Kong)
- Y Gao, DM Chiu and JCS Lui,
"The fundamental role of hop distance in IEEE802.11 multi-hop ad-hoc wireless networks",
IEEE ICNP November 2005 (Boston)
Other publications
- A list of old publications
- Two old but frequently cited publications:
- DM Chiu and R Jain, "Analysis of the Increase and Decrease Algorithms for
Congestion Avoidance in Computer Networks", Computer Networks and ISDN Systems Vol 17, pp 1-14, 1989.
- PA Bernstein and DM Chiu, "Using Semi-joins to Solve Relational Queries",
Journal of the ACM, Vol 28, Issue 1, pp 25-40, 1981.