Advanced Topics in Blockchain -- Emerging Topics in IE
(Spring 2020)
- Instructor: Sherman Chow
- Teaching Assistant: Lucien Ng
(SHB725, nkl018@ie)
- Time:
- Thur 12:30pm - 1:15pm
- Fri 3:30pm - 5:15pm
Venue: Ho Sin Hang Engineering Building (SHB) 801
- e-Venue: Meeting
- Access via the last 6 digits of the product of the two course codes
(It starts with a number presents in both course codes, and ends
with a number presents in both course codes.)
- Tutorial: same e-venue
- 28/2 (Fri 2:30pm - 3:15pm)
- 19/3 (Thur, 11:30am - 12:15pm)
- 26/3 (Thur, 11:30am - 12:15pm)
This is a shared-code special-topic course.
(Note that IEMS5709 has different topics for different years.)
The course code starts with 5, (i.e., a graduate-level class), yet
undergraduates are also welcomed.
The course code starts with IERG/IEMS, yet students from other
programs are also
As a matter of fact, this course was offered as
CSCI5590 last year,
with exchange, BSc(CS), and MSc(CS) students.
(The course code changes between CSCI and IERG each year).
Current Student Composition:
BEng(IE), MSc(IE), MPhil(IE), PhD(IE)
(Slides will appear on
after the add/drop period)
(Some papers also require CUHK network to download,
or you can get them from
Blackboard later after we uploaded them.)
- 09/1:
Administrivia (slightly updated)
10/1: Sampling,
Introduction of Bitcoin/Blockchain
16/1: Overview of Bitcoin Attacks
Majority is not Enough: Bitcoin Mining is Vulnerable
Introduction of
Smart Contract
23/1: Smart Contract (cont.)
Wram-up Programming Assignment (due: 31/1 3:30pm)
24/1, 30/1: [Lunar New Year Holiday]
31/1, 6,7/2, 13,14/2: [Extended Holiday due to "Emergency" Response Level]
- 20/2:
[First Zoom
Class] Smart Contract (fin.)
Solidity and Issues in Writing Smart Contracts
- 27, 28/2: Cryptography Toolbox
- 5/3: Public-Key Cryptography
(Diffie-Hellman Protocol, Basic Group Arithetmic)
6/3: Public-Key Cryptography (Schnorr, DSA, ECDSA)
Mathematics for Cryptography
Cryptography Toolbox (Secret Sharing),
Public-Key Cryptography (BLS Signature)
Public-Key Cryptography
(Threshold Signature, Multi Signature, and Aggregate Signature)
19/3 Privacy-Enhancing Cryptography (Overview)
20/3: Privacy-Enhancing Cryptography (Blind signatures, Ring signatures,
and Zero-knowledge proof)
26/3: Privacy-Enhancing Cryptography (A quick review, Monero)
27/3: Privacy-Enhancing Cryptography (fin.)
(1/4: Deadline for Group Formation and Project Declaration)
- 2, 3/4: [Reading Week]
- 9/4: Smart Contracts: Critical Viewpoints
10/4: [Easter Holiday]
(Take-Home Mid-Term Examination was released in this week.)
16, 17/4: Sharding
- 23, 24/4:
Payment-channel Network [Make-up Week 1 due to extended holiday]
30/4, 1/5 : [Make-up Week 2, holiday, no online class, replaced by
"offline" student presentations]
Online Synchronous Teaching Platform:
Online Quiz Platform:
Standard stuff: