IERG 6120 Convex and Stochastic
Optimization and Applications
Fall 2024, W 10:30am-1:15pm. Room SHB 833
Poster Presentation Schedule:
10:30am-1:00pm Wednesday, December 4th,
Room ERB 405
Please attend the whole 2.5 hours, so that you can both present your project and
evaluate others. Please also refer to the evaluation form
here and make sure
your presentation covers these questions.
Group 1 (presenting 10:30-11:15am):
Ziyi Xu
Feiyu Xue
Mohammad Jalali
Zeyu Zhang
Chi Man Lee
Group 2 (presenting 11:15am-12:00pm):
Zhiwei Zhai
Yifan Zhao
Wei Lin
Ziyi Han
Group 3 (presenting 12:00-12:45pm):
Jiaxin Huang
Weiheng Tang and Muyi Wang
Yanting Zhou
Yilei Jiang
Final Project Topics and Reports
Communications and Networks
Jiaxin Huang, ``How to Achieve URLLC in Smart Factory: A New
Point of View.''
Yanting Zhou, ``A method to calculate the optimal memory length and coefficients in linear equalization.''
Zhiwei Zhai, ``Age-of-Information Optimization in
Multi-Target Update Network Systems Under
Stochastic Event Capture.''
Yifan Zhao, ``Static and Dynamic Topologies in Collective Communication