(Those marked with * have been picked.) [Server/Hardware-Assisted] **Splinter: Practical Private Queries on Public Data. NSDI 17. *Ekiden: A Platform for Confidentiality-Preserving, Trustworthy, and Performant Smart Contract Execution. EuroS&P 19. Giving State to the Stateless: Augmenting Trustworthy Computation with Ledgers. NDSS 19. Hardware-Supported ORAM in Effect: Practical Oblivious Search and Update on Very Large Dataset. PETS 19. [Functional Encryption] Dynamic Symmetric Searchable Encryption from Constrained Functional Encryption. CT-RSA 16. 5Gen-C: Multi-input Functional Encryption and Program Obfuscation for Arithmetic Circuits. CCS 17. [Homomorphic Encryption] *Efficient Multi-Key Homomorphic Encryption with Packed Ciphertexts with Application to Oblivious Neural Network Inference. CCS 19. [Privacy-Enhancing Technologies] *ORide: A Privacy-Preserving yet Accountable Ride-Hailing Service. Usenix Security 17. *PrivateSQL: A Differentially Private SQL Query Engine. VLDB 19. SMCQL: Secure Querying for Federated Databases. VLDB 17. Coconut: Threshold Issuance Selective Disclosure Credentials with Applications to Distributed Ledgers. NDSS 19. [Democracy-Enhancing Technologies] *BeleniosRF: A Non-interactive Receipt-Free Electronic Voting Scheme. CCS 16. *Telex: Anticensorship in the Network Infrastructure. Usenix Security 11. A Protocol for Privately Reporting Ad Impressions at Scale. CCS 16. [Privacy-Preserving Machine Learning] *BAYHENN: Combining Bayesian Deep Learning and Homomorphic Encryption for Secure DNN Inference. IJCAI 19. **Privacy-Preserving Classification of Personal Text Messages with Secure Multi-Party Computation: An Application to Hate-Speech Detection. NeurIPS 19 Poster. *Partially Encrypted Machine Learning using Functional Encryption. NeurIPS 19 Poster. [Privacy-Preserving Payment] *PRCash: Fast, Private and Regulated Transactions for Digital Currencies. FC 19. Updatable Anonymous Credentials and Applications to Incentive Systems. CCS 19. Practical UC-Secure Delegatable Credentials with Attributes and Their Application to Blockchain. CCS 17. BBA+: Improving the Security and Applicability of Privacy-Preserving Point Collection. CCS 17. [Password Authentication] *SafeKeeper: Protecting Web Passwords using Trusted Execution Environments. WWW 18. *T/Key: Second-Factor Authentication From Secure Hash Chains. CCS 17. [Trading] *Crowdbuy: Privacy-Friendly Image Dataset Purchasing via Crowdsourcing. Infocom 18. AccountTrade: Accountable Protocols for Big Data Trading Against Dishonest Consumers. Infocom 17. [Privacy-Preserving Image Processing] *SecHOG: Privacy-Preserving Outsourcing Computation of Histogram of Oriented Gradients in the Cloud. AsiaCCS 16. Towards Efficient Privacy-Preserving Image Feature Extraction in Cloud Computing. MM 14. Real-Time Privacy-Preserving Moving Object Detection in the Cloud. MM 13.