I am (was) the Principal investigator of the following grants
- Tencent / Donation (2015-)
"Content distribution and recommendation"
- RGC GRF (2014-2017)
"Data Analytics and Operations Research for Large-scale Internet Video Distribution Service"
- ASTRI / Contract research (2014-)
"Cross-Platform Library and System Supporting Mobile Data Exchange and Analysis"
- Tencent / Donation (2014-)
"Mobile Video Distribution"
- Technology and Business Development Fund (2013-2015)
"A System for Academic Research Ranking"
- Tencent / Donation (2012-)
"New network architectures and practices for content distribution"
- ASTRI / Contract research (2011-2015)
"Multimedia Asset Distribution and Replication Enhancement Research"
- MSRA / Donation (2010-)
"Towards the Design and Implementation of an On-line Social Network"
- RGC GRF (2011-2014)
"Replication Strategies for a Large-scale Peer-to-Peer Content Delivery Platform"
- ASTRI / Contract research (2012-2013)
"P2P Content Distribution and Social Networks"
- ASTRI / Contract research (2011-2012)
"Peer-to-peer Network Visualization with DRM"
- CUHK Internal Grant (2010-2012)
"Online Algorithms for Network Traffic Monitoring"
- RGC GRF (2008-2011)
"Performance modeling and analysis of p2p steaming and VoD algorithms"
- CUHK Internal grant (2008-2010)
"Data mining of the academic publishing game"
- NSFC/RGC grant (2006-2009)
"Measurement, Modeling and Analysis of P2P and Unwanted Traffic in the Internet" (PI for NSFC side is Prof Wu Jian Ping of Tsinghua University).
- CUHK Internal grant (2006-2008)
"The economic implications of P2P traffic to ISP peering and operations".
- Shun Hing Institute grant (2006-2007)
"A Wireless Mesh Network".
- RGC GRF (2005-2007)
"The interaction between ISP multi-homing traffic engineering practices"
- RGC GRF (2004-2006)
"TCP-friendly as well as application-friendly congestion control"
- CUHK Internal grant (2003-2005)
"Scalable inter-domain routing for the Internet"
I am (was) co-PI for the following projects
- Theme-based research (2014-2018)
"Renewable energy harvasting for micro-grids" (PI is CP Wong)
- Cisco / Donation (2010-2012)
"A couple of network coding problems"
- Cisco / Donation (2008-2010)
"Re-Engineering the Network Layer with Network Coding"
- MSRA / Donation (2006-2008)
"Trust-worthy computing theme: Content integrity in a P2P network with network coding" (PI was Prof John Lui).